“Prejudice takes society back and instead of being committed and maximally invested in a better quality of life, values, economic success, working and fighting for higher wages and a better standard of living for citizens, we are still proving who the patriot is, who the traitor is, tension is created, resistance to nationalities, we are flooded daily with hate speech and politically and ethnically motivated. As a country, we manage to climb a higher step that leads to the Europeanization of the system and we are one step closer to achieving the decades-old goals of the country to be side by side with European countries, but I think that there are still forces pulling us back.”
Goran Trajkovski, mayor of the Municipality of Delchevo
Трајковски: Политичарите ги знаат зелените вредности, но прашање е колку ги применуваат или работат на нивната примена (Trajkovski: Politicians know green values, but the question is how much they apply them or work on their application.)