On the night right before the big decision in Parliament, before and after the celebration of the fifth birthday of “Sloboden pecat” (Free press), whose team I thank every day for its existence, after a long time of abstinence from watching TV, I put up two debates. One with Igor Esmerov, a modern and reasonable politician, little known to the Macedonian public, and the other one with Vlatko Gjorcev, in whom I once again recognized the rude and ugly face of the regime that fell on its knees (also literally, during #Mickotakis’s referendum campaign), but is living.

Yes, maybe you will be surprised, but I really don’t watch TV, and especially not debates. “Plusinfo”, “Sloboden Pecat” in electronic and printed form, my inbox and reports from my colleagues from CIVIL are more than enough for me.
The day when the devil took away the joke
The day when Talat decided to give the “nourished” MPs time to decide for other important and unimportant issues in the country, US senior official Matthew Palmer landed at the Skopje Airport. At the same time, the devil also took off from the Skopje Airport and took the joke with his “Piper” with Russian marks.
When I read the news tickers, I couldn’t resist betting myself that there would surely be (at least) 82 MPs voting for the constitutional changes, if not even more. But I won’t write about that, because such writing has a very short term and will be an outdated prediction by the time it reaches the printing house. Therefore, I will put money aside as of today, for a nice and big chocolate. I will celebrate. Even before the voting.
I decided not to write today. What do you mean? Well more than half a text is written, 10-15 more rows, and there, one more burst, 185th in a row! There are enough topics and occasions – the birthday
of “Sloboden Pecat”, Palmer flew in, the joke flew off, MPs will vote, and then will go on an extended weekend in Halkidiki, to celebrate VMRO day…
Three in one
No, nevertheless. Let this weekend go by without me. There’s no reason to tire myself and you with my thoughts, experiences and emotions on Macedonia’s political and social surrealism. Those who will remain in the country, can prepare salad, brandy and Ceca, while those in Halkidiki, know the order of things – tzatziki, ouzo and sirtaki, with a lion’ heart in their chest, for Macedonia!
There’s nothing for me to write. Macedonia’s surrealism by far exceeds all talents and anti-talents I know, including the signatory to these lines. Whatever is to be written, it is just a little digging of the surface dust, whereas the infection is just two fingers below.
When I watch the events, I say to myself, there is no political comedy that can be so hilariously funny as the Macedonian political scene. However, in addition to comedy, the life of this country would also be excellent material for a mega series on organized crime. And a brutal reality show. Three in one.
The tragicomedy of life
In all three cases, what is really happening in our lives is so crazy that the viewer of the film, series or show about Macedonia would comment that the author of the scenario has extremely exaggerated, that what the author has written is impossible. And yet we settle with that (impossible) every day, before going to bed, preoccupied with bills, hardship and restlessness. Impossible country. Grotesque and comical. Difficult and tense. Where the idiots trample everything in front of then and can get away with it.
That is why today I don’t have the intention of writing a single row. Because it’s been making me sick for a longer time to write about all the creatures that are making our lives bitter. About the grotesque variation of the “Teskoto” (“the difficult”) folk dance, where the leader of the dance makes a step forwards, while the others are pulling ten steps backwards…
It’s time for me to let you and myself rest. These are just notes for a longer letter of reconciliation with the (sur)real “Macedonia” show, reconciliation with the tragicomedy of the life they the anti-talents, crushed in between the rows of this writing, are making bitter for us. It is certain that the
decision will be made, and that we will pull through, thanks to the help from the outside. However…No matter how many reasons we have for a sigh of relief, and even a toast, the satisfaction of the promises of the future is blurred from the stains that the thieves leave behind.
Happy VMRO day. On that date, DPMNE will probably fall apart. Festively.
Photo by: H. R. Gigger – “Alien”