„Today, we must understand hybrid attacks as attacks that lead and will eventually lead to serious conflicts between citizens, between groups, between peoples and between states – these are real wars – wars that we are already witnessing on multiple fronts around the world, wars in which innocent people are already suffering and will continue to suffer, and those who will suffer the most will be the marginalized and weaker citizens“, said Marjan Zabrcanec at the International Online Conference „Ukraine and the World: Resisting Aggression, Defeating Authoritarianism“ organized by CIVIL.
„Europe must deliver what has already promised and even more – EU has to define new deliverables in order to renew the public narrative and the public support in North Macedonia and in the region. Whether it will be a major financial support for capital projects, whether it will be a new investment in the establishment of the Western Balkans as an open economic zone and single market, or maybe entry of our countries into the Schengen system or maybe involvement of the region in some future European shield – the time is now, a decision and action are needed – the EU must deliver this time in order to counter the anti-European disinformation motives and actions“, said Zabrcanec.
B. J.