I am writing to you from the back seat of our can on four wheels. We are on our way to another city, to hold one more of our seminars. Always on the road, always in communication with the citizens, we feel the pulse of society very well even unintentionally. Countless texts, lectures and presentations, plans and decisions have been prepared in this favorite mini office of ours on four wheels. And while we are taking pleasure in the lovely scenery of our eastern region, another conclusion is inevitable – the country has been desolated. And robbed. And things are not going in a good direction –to put it mildly.

Yesterday I stopped on one of the slides of my presentation that outlines the situation of the pre-election periods during Gruevski’s criminal regime (Voters Register, black campaign, abuse, corruption…). While around twenty pairs of eyes were watching me, I faced my own acknowledgement that the slide is three years old, that I haven’t changes it at all and…that I have nothing to change in it…None of the participant suggested anything I could change. They just nodded with their heads, and during the break they opened their hearts and told me how life is today in their city. The weekend was over, two seminars, two cities, many conversations. And that slide is still in my mind, unchanged for three years…
People are disappointed and revolted from many actions of the parties, institutions and the government, from the (un) employment, from the tenders, from the slowness and inefficiency, from the lack of changes, from the forgotten justice, from scandals that are too similar to the past…Macedonia’s success to “return to the right path” and the praises of the European and world leaders are not enough.
Yes, Prime Minister Zaev opened the gates to the future and headed towards it with giant steps, but his government has remained far behind him, in the inconvenient present of unfulfilled promises, expectations and disappointments. The people, impoverished and disappointed, those who still are in Macedonia, are expected to say YES to the future, but the children are demanding bread NOW, in the present time. On top of everything, here we also have the nationalists, Russian agents and criminals that are tugging towards the dark past, where they feel sacred. The present, torn between the bright European future and the dark violent past.
Perhaps there might have been many misunderstandings and emotions while expecting and rushing towards freedom, so now there are expectations that have nothing to do with the reality and the possibilities. Columnists, NGO bluffers and a crowd of half-literate and hysterical attention seekers who are not any much different from the pro-Russian Nazi trolls, are not concerned about the damage they are doing to the entire society, while trying to extort a position in the cabinets of the new government, or, simply a minute of online fame.
Vicious circle
And while we are going round in the vicious circle between dreams and reality, expectations and achievements, criminals and victims, the deadlines are running out. Laziness and incapability have to be added to the list of troubles. One of the biggest national projects with historical significance for Macedonia – the Referendum – remains to be mixed with feelings, thoughts and actions that have nothing to do with one another.
Instead of the Referendum being a solemn, historic process that seals the power of the citizens, everything has turned into a nasty and dirty battle between quarreled tribal chiefs, marketing agencies and greedy experts (with or without quotation marks). People are divided once again, close family members are arguing and disagreeing.
Instead of a holiday atmosphere, there is only unnecessary clatter and chaos in thoughts.
The Referendum – a solemn and patriotic act
There is still enough time for us to perceive the Referendum as an opportunity, and not as an obstacle. To show that we live in a society where free thinking and independent building of views are not something foreign to the people, that they can and know how to make an independent and informed decision. It is important to make our own decisions, to build an opinion with which one can
be proud of, regardless of the final decision, for or against. But it is civilized to use the right to vote, it is civilized to respect the other’s opinion, it is natural to try to influence one another, but with respect, fairness and without pressures.
This is a chance for the people who (still) live in Macedonia to show that they know what pride is, but also reason. People who are in contact with reality, and are not entangled in the black propaganda cobwebs. It is normal to reexamine, accept and reject a certain argument, but only if we have done this by ourselves, based on our own experiences and beliefs. To hear the different opinions and WE, each one of us, to make a decision on what is most acceptable for Macedonia. not according so some columnist in the “commie” or “vmro” media, not according to some human rights activist without any beliefs, mixed and of a mixed organization. No, nothing of that. Each of us individually. With goodness and a smile, with sharpened senses and solid arguments. To talk. To separate the successes and failures of politics from the Referendum, as a solemn and patriotic act of every citizen with the right to vote. The referendum does not belong to the politicians, but rather to the citizens! I have a message to all those who have the power to influence the public. This Macedonian society of ours needs education – not convincing, information – not propaganda, a peaceful and prosperous future – not fabricated history and violence. Patriotism – not nationalism!
Translated by: Natasha Cvetkovska