Do you know why Bruce Willis did not get a role in the movie “Titanic”? Because he would have saved the ship. Well, we are not going to watch that kind of movie, because Mickovski is far from Bruce Willis. And Gruevski will first run over “Tank”, so that afterwards it does sink like “Titanic”. Let’s hope that OSCE’s report, in which there was also criticism for the SPO, will receive a little more reasonable speed, and that the acts for which the SPO is leading investigations since September 2015 will be finalized with a logical and much expected ending. Since, no justice, no peace, right? A little bit of a forgotten slogan that reminds many of us today of the great (vain) expectations…

It would have been nice for the OSCE and the international community to have had such sharp senses at the time when Gruevski was creating Swarovski and the notebook judiciary, but it’s good that at least they have decided to open their eyes now, so let the heroic SPO be a target of their criticism. Let’s hope that they will remain awake also in the future and will more closely monitor the signals of the independent intellectuals and defendants of human rights.
The timing of the expected first instance and second instance decisions of the courts coincides with the referendum. If the decision of the Court of Appeals, with which Gruevski’s prison sentence will be confirmed, is brought in September (it’s about time), it will be interpreted among part of the public as political pressure and intimidation of the referendum opponents. VMRO-DPMNE propagandists and the Kremlin will portray Gruevski as a political martyr. But, with that they will just once again confirm that, despite the silence and indecisiveness, they are active organizers of the boycott.
If the court decides to postpone this decision for after the referendum, this would mean that it is subject to political influences. But, one does not have to be Amerigo Vespucci to conclude that. At the same time, it will provide space for the boycotters to press with all forces for hindering the referendum. They won’t succeed, this has been clear for weeks, but what these structures are willing to do should not be overlooked. With the eventual failure of the referendum, opportunities are opening for eruption of a political crisis, from which there won’t be a quick and easy exit, whereas the tinkling with swords in the region will only complicate the whole thing.
So, no matter how the courts decide in this period, it will be delicate. However, that is precisely why it is expected from the courageous and independent judges, like the ones we fortunately have, to decide according to the words of the law and according to the necessary dynamics, in a reasonable timeframe. Regardless of whether several hundreds of radicals in the country will have tears in their eyes because of the news that their Koljo has gone under a shade.
If it’s any comfort…One reform of, hum-hum, Zaev’s reform government has certainly been implemented. That is the part regarding the prison conditions. Thus, we have received a renovated prison in Idrizovo, at the level of a four-and-a-half-star hotel. Hence, Gruevski and his stubborn group will miss to see the conditions in the prisons where precisely he imprisoned those who thought differently from him.
That’s how it should be, because the state must not avenge. Whereas we can clench our teeth a little, you know, in between two jokes, one for the previous and one for the current government.