Actress Vladanka Dimkovska for the Initiative “United in Diversity” sent several wonderful video messages in which she talks about the advantages and beauties of diversity, mutual respect among people from different communities in our society.
I am from Kumanovo by origin. This means that I live in a city with many differences, so I have many examples, both positive and negative. I have many friends from different ethnic backgrounds and I think we are slowly overcoming the negatives and creating very positive situations.
If we think that we should become a member of the big European family, then how we should focus on spreading love instead of hatred, on any basis, means not only ethnic. We need to respect each other more and start understanding the true European values, and that is to be united in diversity all together and to build a society for all.
We, young people must stand up bravely and combatively in defense of diversity. We need to show that this society can be united in its diversity and that it is beautiful. We, the young people are the key to a society for all