CIVIL leads you “Behind the Smokescreen”, reveals facts and exposes disinformation and propaganda. This video is the new trailer that announces and accompanies the video content that CIVIL’s team produces in the efforts to mitigate the consequences of the intensive disinformation and propaganda operations in North Macedonia.
This is the announcement on CIVIL’s YouTube Channel for the series of events and videos, under the joint title “Behind the Smokescreen”
Every day, CIVIL’s monitoring team prepares a report on disinformation and propaganda, the target of which are democratic institutions, civil society, the media and progressive groups and individuals in our country and broader. With the trailer published on the media platform that is a source of relevant information, news, analyses and opinions every day, the public is reminded that the organization continues with its efforts to help in dealing with disinformation and propaganda. Civil Media unites several internet portals in Macedonian, Albanian and English, and apart from producing news and analyses, it is also a kind of a platform for social and political dialogue and civic education.
“Behind the Smokescreen” is a project for media and civic action against disinformation and propaganda that CIVIL – Center for Freedom is implementing. The project focuses on foreign, anti-Western propaganda by monitoring, analyses and exposing disinformation and propaganda on critical topics, such as the aggression against Ukraine, the Euro-Atlantic integration and other processes of crucial importance for our country.
The critical processes for the country and its strategic interests are the target of long-standing propaganda from the same mutually connected centers. The propaganda centers have one mutual goal – undermining the rule of law, democracy, stability and the Euro-Atlantic orientation of the country. Therefore, CIVIL continuously undertakes comprehensive activities to oppose those tendencies. The activities in the project include a specific combination of news production and publishing of views, fact-checking and exposing disinformation and propaganda.
The project implies daily publishing of relevant news, analyses and views, weekly public events and presentations, cooperation with relevant civil society organizations, direct communication with citizens, cooperation with the local media and other stakeholders.
CIVIL Communication Team