During the first day of the public inspection into the Voters Register ahead of the Referendum, about a dozen complaints of problems were reported to CIVIL. The old problems, despite the assurances of the politicians and the SEC, are still evident. This is a call to the citizens to react and report to CIVIL.
The phantoms in the Voters Register have returned and have comfortably settled at the addresses of the citizens who contacted our organization. We also received a report of a dead person still figuring in the Voters Register.
In one case, a citizen wrote to us saying that he had immediately went to the SEC to report several “uninvited guests” at his address. The SEC, as in the previous election processes, told him to call the MOI. The voters are hearing the same story: someone else is always responsible.
CIVIL is inviting citizens to use the opportunity for inspection into the Voters Register and to report the irregularities to the SEC, and also to CIVIL, for the purpose of conducting public control of the process. This can be done by sending an email to CIVIL: civil@civil.org.mk, with the subject: Voters Register. In the message state the name and last name of the actual existing persons, the address, and then the names and last names of the persons that do not live on that address. You may also contact us at at the following telephone numberј: 02 / 520 91 76 from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, every working day.
We urge the institutions to simplify the process of resolving the cases that will be reported by citizens. There is no reason for the voters themselves to the work of the institutions, while being directed from one door to another, and at the end not to have the problem solved.