On January 1, 2025, the world will approach the midpoint of the most challenging decade since the end of World War II. We live in a decade when the unimaginably rich and powerful, the aggressors and criminals, the tyrants and their servants have done everything to convince people that they are small and insignificant. We live in a decade when lies, manipulation, and hatred are presented as truth, as the defense of public interest, and as patriotism.
At the same time, we live in a decade of knowledge, technological progress, and mobility. The path we choose to continue and complete this decade will determine our lives in the future. Dark ideologies are only a step away from launching a decisive battle to conquer the world and our lives. But those who believe in freedom, justice, and humanity are just as close to standing up and saying – NO! – and changing the course of history.
There is still time for everyone to make a New Year’s resolution to recommit themselves to the fight for democracy and human rights, to honor the values based on respect for human dignity and freedom. Even the greatest and most powerful crumble in the face of the defiance of the “small.” Because, no matter how small and insignificant people may appear, they are part of something far greater – HUMANITY.
In an era when the digital age connects us like never before, we face a paradox: truth struggles to rise to the surface of the ocean of disinformation, and democratic values are blurred and suppressed by greed, fear, and hatred. This decade is a test of our ability to choose between solidarity and selfishness, between progress and destruction, between humanism and brutality.
The greatest battles are not fought only on the frontlines of war zones but also within our minds, our hearts, and in our relationships with the people in our communities. Will we allow propaganda to shape our beliefs, or will we fight for the right to think critically and for freedom of speech? That battle is first waged in our minds and hearts! Will we continue to ignore the suffering of those who are different from us, or will we find the courage and integrity to stand in their defense? The fiercest front is within ourselves. If humanity, justice, and solidarity prevail, the forces of darkness will be defeated on all other fronts.
Every choice we make can either be a brick in walls that divide or a plank in bridges that connect people. What kind of world we build and leave for future generations is our choice. Whether we surrender to the forces of darkness or fight for a better world depends on each of us. What may seem like a small and insignificant act can be the beginning of great change – casting a vote, participating in prodemocracy protests, extending a helping hand, offering words of encouragement and comfort – all of this contributes to a greater, collective effort. Big changes always begin with small, sometimes barely noticeable steps.
Let this New Year be a moment to pause and ask ourselves: What kind of world do we want for ourselves and for future generations? The answer to that question lies not just in the words we speak, but in the actions we take.
There is strength in unity, strength in defiance against injustice, and strength in the belief that humanity can triumph. Let 2025 be a year of renewed hope, a year when we remind ourselves that the power of humanity lies in our togetherness and solidarity. A year of our renewed commitment to the fight for democracy and human rights.
Happy New Year!
Read also:
Democracy Will Prevail: Our Promise – An Unyielding Fight for a Just and Free World