It actually happened. Mickoski carried out the agenda to the end, destroyed the political dialogue and inflicted serious damage to Macedonia’s path towards its European future.

All the assessments of Mickoski’s character and of the clique around him, the forecasts, analyses and warnings, have proven to be correct, especially following the infamous collapse of the series of Leaders’ meetings. These days we’ve seen many similarities between Gruevski and Mickoski. Mickoski is probably jumping out of joy and affection for this comparison, for which I must immediately say, refers to low moral and political values.
Let’s recall… During the negotiations in Pržino, Gruevski behaved cowardly and dishonestly, trying to save only his skin and of those who he has to save, for that will additionally protect him. He and his cousin (Mijalkov, head of the secret police) used all the dirty and street tricks seen and those unseen in politics. The negotiations were facilitated by the international mediator and expert Peter Vanhoutte, only for Gruevski to proclaim him as a persona non grata in the midst of the negotiations, publicly threatened him with kicks, which gave him even more time. Or, more precisely, the international community that has insisted on him being an equal participant at the negotiating table, gave him excellent, even superior positions to defend himself. Afterwards, the EU and US Ambassadors took mediation over, and have shown exquisite commitment, but were also limited by diplomatic-political frameworks and rules that were in favor of Gruevski and to the disadvantage of the democratic processes.
What happened with the Agreement from Pržino? That agreement extended the political-criminal life of Gruevski and the Family, whose marionettes are Mickoski on behalf of the party and Ivanov, on behalf of the country, as president(!). The agreement has dangled the civil movement’s blade, although it is very likely that it also spared the country from a more serious internal conflict.
The Pržino Agreement, and the political dialogue later, provided more time and space to the political underground led by Gruevski, to consolidate after the election defeat in 2016, and to carry out a half-year-long obstruction of the Parliament and the rest of the democratic institutions, a situation that climaxed with the terror in the Parliament on April 27, 2017. After that, thanks to the policy of reconciliation and inclusiveness (whatever that means), VMRO-DPMNE’s cadre remained in the system, only to continue with the impediments of the democratic processes. We saw continuity, instead of seeing and experiencing essential changes.
From the very start of the democratic movement and up to the collapse of the Leaders meeting, Zoran Zaev displayed unseen tolerance, openness and readiness for compromise. From opposition leader at whom there was an assassination attempt in the Parliament (27/04/2017) to Prime Minister, he is always open to talk and find consensus, where it seems to be impossible. It’s enough.
Let’s hope that Zaev has finally realized that he has to be more determined in implementing the reforms that will bring justice for all criminals, all of them, regardless of their ranks, even if they are coalition partners or members and officials of his party, even if they are parliamentarians, party leaders or government representatives and officials. He has to do so immediately. Let Mickoski whine that it is revenge for of his negotiating frauds. This alarming story has to end once and for all.
Now, Zaev has the right to withdraw from all decisions made in order to compromise with Mickoski, during the Leaders’ meetings. The logic is very simple. VMRO-DPMNE’s demands have the sole purpose – to save Gruevski and the Family. All they are doing is buying time, prolonging, obstructing, blackmailing, putting pressure… That means that there is no reason for any of the extorted solutions to be part of any agreement made these days, because there is simply no agreement or dialogue!
Not to mention the loss of precious time during the unfruitful talks with VMRO-DPMNE. Government according to the Pržino Agreement? That was an agreement in conditions of criminal and dictatorial rule. Returning the old rules in relation to the election of the SEC? There is no need to give room to additional blocking of the system and the processes, regardless of how debatable the recent decision of the parliament is. Regardless of whether Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary group at the end will agree to vote for ratification of the Agreement with Greece or not, everyone must face the full force of justice.
In the meanwhile, the uncorrupted and progressive individuals and groups in VMRO-DPMNE have to enter into a more decisive battle for saving their own party from oblivion and collapse. Or let’s sound the horns to mark the end of VMRO-DPMNE…
Translated by: Natasha Cvetkovska