VMRO-DPMNE’s argument that the parliamentary decision on the referendum was irregular and undemocratic, because it was passed without an opposition, is unacceptable. Someone from aside, with the basic facts about Macedonia in their folder, will rightfully be astounded and will doubt the legitimacy of that opposition. they will raise questions to which the answers are obvious. Yes, it is the referendum that is going to be held five weeks from now, and that will put Macedonia on the fast track towards EU and NATO, towards a decent and dignified life, unchanging of borders, openness and mobility, security…

Yes, it is the same referendum that VMRO-DPMNE, now in opposition, had been promising for two and a half decades, regardless of whether they were in power or in opposition. And it is the same opposition party that blocked the Parliament and whose members of Parliament are accused for serious crimes related to the violent attack on the Parliament on April 27, and the attempts for murder of MPs, journalists and party leaders.
It is the same political party that is invited to leaders’ meetings, that is acting spoiled and guards itself all the time, while its place is not at the negotiating (leaders) table. Because, a leaders’ meeting means that there should be leaders there. And leaders are courageous and wise people…
It is the party that with its current “leader”, a puppet of the structure under investigation, charges and several verdicts for a serious crime, is acting a prima donna on the political scene, and with whom the Prime Minister, who is carrying a scar on his forehead from the attempt to have him liquidated on that April 27, is negotiating with.
Yes, it is the party that has been calculating for months and has been playing double-triple roles in the public, and whose support at the referendum is still welcomed (if you ask me – it’s not necessary). And then, the decision to organize a referendum wasn’t legitimate, because it had been passed without the presence of the opposition?! Hmm, a really weird logic, to put it mildly.
And at the end, it is quite certain that this leader (puppet) will support the referendum, at the last minute and too late to correct the damages of the obstructions. It is very likely also that he will finish his mission at least somewhat successfully: he will lure some promises or guarantees from the Prime Minister, and probably from the influential diplomats. What he will lure out, on the other hand, will be a gain for only a small number of people in the closest circles of the business, crime and politics in the country, and which are part of VMRO-DPMNE and their vicious surrounding.
The concessions and the giving in that are being made to this party that is acting an “unfortunate and unjustly treated” opposition, is actually not going in favor of the members of this party, nor in favor of the people with a right-wing political orientation, and the least to Macedonia. And again they will get away with it, and with shouts of approval that they have finally shown leader’s and patriotic capacities. The statements of the diplomats are already written and printed, whereas the “neutral ones” will sigh, because VMRO-DPMNE will promise to cooperate, to be a constructive party, and that its soldiers will not take pictures of the people who will go out to vote. Which doesn’t mean that they will fulfill their promises.
Translation: Natasa Cvetkovska