We know all of that, or we should know it, at least from common knowledge…The Parliament is the highest source of power, and has to function and serve the interests of the citizens at every time of the day and night. It is unacceptable for a parliament of a country to be an obstacle to the progress of the country, but instead it should be a streersman of the processes. The parliament needs to be creative and effective in passing laws and measures for the welfare of the country, and should not be a slave to the procedures, and even less to the party machineries.

And yes, the parliament has to free itself from the obstructions of VMRO-DPMNE, which is demanding amnesty for the crimes in exchange for a referendum, and from similar blackmail and pressures that are coming from various other sides that we have been witnessing for over a year. Therefore, the decision to speed up the legal solutions regarding the Electoral Code, especially the State Election Commission, are welcomed. By this, the ruling majority headed by SDSM, is manifesting determination to stand in the way of VMRO-DPMNE’s obstructions, who had more than enough time, while they were in power, to ruin the legal system and democratic institutions. The parliament exists in order to solve, and not generate problems.
However, there is always one, but…Several issues remain open.
There are not enough arguments to claim that the changes in the Electoral Code are good enough to ensure a decent level of implementation of the electoral processes, such as the referendum voting in autumn, and the presidential elections in spring next year. Who knows, maybe there are also other (early) election processes before us…The entire process is running quite chaotically, insufficiently transparent and with insufficient quality participation of the key institutions. What were they waiting for?
The question in terms of the endless waiting for many other things remains open. And obviously something could have been done!
For example, the ruling majority could have been more decisive when the the Public Prosecutor was being elected.
When the public was expecting resolute steps in carrying out justice for the criminal ruling, they were calculating and probably still are calculating with Mickoski’s “good will”.
They could have taken measures to sanction the hate speech in order to prevent the extremism that spilled onto the streets.
When it became clear that the law on the use of languages was not the most important thing in the world, that time could have been used for some other, essential urgent steps inside, in the country. With all due respect to the seven-mile steps that lifted Macedonia from the bottom to the leading position in the region.
When the abuses were revealed, such as the travel expenses and other benefits for the MP’s and officials, the ruling (simple) majority could have done something.
When the abuses in the State Election Commission were revealed back in December last year, they could have held them responsible, and not rewarded them with additional juicy benefits following the submitted resignations. The same goes for the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption. The same goes for the abuses of a dozen other officials and execs at the local and national level.
The ruling majority could have shown determination also when the citizens were loudly demanding a real stop to the rule of the regime apparatus of VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and the gang, which is mostly felt, even today, in the administration and the functioning of the institutions.
They could have elected health and justice ministers quicker. Other institutions were headless for too long…They could have abolished some institutions. Obviously, there was no need for Amdi and those similar to him, to sit in new chairs and spoil the democratic path of the country. We have enough votes in parliament.
The ruling majority could have (and still can) take more decisive steps for implementing social and economic justice in the country. They could have been concerned with gender equality, education, health…
They could have stood in the way of the everyday violations of consumer rights, to protect the citizens from executors, to cancel the absurd expenses, to reduce the fines, to improve the conditions in prisons, to reconsider the unjust punishments, to stop the urban mafia…
We can number, unfortunately, many more things that could have been done by the simple ruling majority, the institutions, the government and other structures of political power given by the Constitutions, laws and the citizens.
It is good that they dared, at the price of risking their own lives, to constitute the parliamentary majority on April 27, 2017, but they tacticized for too long, and in the meanwhile gave room for realistic and unrealistic disappointments. It is good that they took the step to speed up the process of integrations, but the expectations of the citizens also refer to other parts of the Life.
So, no more calculations on meaningless categories such as inter-party consensus, which in reality are nothing else but blackmailing for abolition of the crime, and moves of the Russian mafia-political structures.