The panel discussion “Reclaiming Freedom”, which organized by CIVIL – Center for Freedom was held today at the Journalists’ Club in Skopje, started with the reading of the “Citizen’s Charter” by the young activists and CIVIL, who previously with a street performance at the central city square delivered the message “Silence kills freedom”.
Jasmina Golubovska, Irena Sterijovska, Dehran Muratov and Jugoslav Petrovski as a moderator all spoke about the Citizen’s Charter and the ways of reclaiming human rights and freedoms in society. “How much freedom do we have? How much can we speak about our freedom? Through the example with the two girls who were not allowed in school because they were not wearing headscarves, the question is raised: for what freedom can we talk about? Who are these thirteen-year-old girls supposed to listen to, their parents who have ordered them, according to religion, to wear headscarves, or to their professor, who has forbidden them? Not a single feminist that I know, as ones who are very loud when it comes to women’s rights, stood up in defense of these two girls…”, stated Dehran Muratov from CIVIL – Center for Freedom.

Jasmina Golubovska spoke about the struggle for freedom in the political context in Macedonia. She emphasized that sensationalism and the captivity of the media make the process of spreading freedom difficult and of promoting the changes that the citizens fought for.
Precisely the unfree access to information, the non-transparency and lack of communication with the citizens make politicians who are responsible now for the changes, subject to criticism.

Irena Sterijovska spoke about activism and the struggle of activists on what they feel as an internal urge. “The activist has to know what he is fighting for. And knowing the topic for which he is fighting is in some way expertism. I welcome solidarity, but activism is focusing on an idea and topic for which you are prepared to go to the end. Only this way activists change things”, said Sterijovska.

Moderator Jugoslav Petrovski encouraged the speakers and the participants to discuss several issues on freedom of expression and freedom of speech, but also on issues related to violation of human rights and freedoms in the past period.
With these activities, CIVIL is part of the global campaign “SPEAK!”, created as a response to the increasing attacks on basic human rights and freedoms, and the culture of division that causes people to turn – against each other.
SPEAK! is a result of the vision of Civicus – World Alliance for Citizen Participation, and a part of the Civic Space Initiative.
On Saturday and Sunday, September 23 and 24, as part of the project “Reclaiming Freedom!”, an art workshop organized by CIVIL will be held in the City Park, starting at 4.00 pm.

In the evening hours, in front of the South East European University, at the entrance of the Skopje Old Bazaar, those present will have the opportunity to take a look at the messages on freedom, stemming from the art workshop, get informed on the campaign “SPEAK!” have fun with the DJ sets selected by CIVIL.
Biljana Jordanovska