Dear Mr. Mickoski,
In these past years I have addressed you and your predecessor several times with a kind request for a response to several topical questions related to your party and its policies, statements and procedures. The addresses made to you were slightly more frequent than they were in the previous period. But your spokespersons are not responding, you are not responding.With the exception of your Minister, Mr. Nakje Chulev, and at one time your Minister Ms. Gordana Jankuloska, you have not responded to a single question as a political party for more than a decade and a half, if we don’t count also those who are now in your political ruthlessness.
Let’s not get things wrong, the communication with your party under the leadership of Mr. Ljubco Georgievski was very correct and regular, and also when you were in opposition in the 90s, and when you were in power from 1998 to 2002.
That is why, once again, I publically invite you to an interview in any format, in which you will provide a reply to several questions of public interest, the number of which is mounting up. The public deserves answers. In case these questions do not reach you (like before), in parallel to the email sent to the email address [email protected], I will publish them, so that you can answer them when you have the time. If there is a need for new questions, I will send them additionally. Let’s begin:
In your address to the public, you often use several expressions for which we would like to receive clarification.
You say that “political persecution” is being carried out in North Macedonia. What, in your opinion, is “political persecution”? Against whom, more precisely, is that persecution you are talking about being carried out? If someone is a member of your party and if that person commits a crime, are the sanctions against that person considered “political persecution” or law enforcement? Can you tell the difference, Mr. Mickoski?
You often use the phrase “the inability of the government”. What does the “inability of government” consist of?
What do you mean by “pure and clear justice” with which you are threatening from the podium of your party? Who will implement that and such justice?
Your often repeated words “The Macedonian people will punish them”, can be interpreted as a threat with street justice and lynch. As that what you mean? How will the people “punish” the people from the current government or anyone else, if not with blood, violence, destruction or killing? Actually, many times your activists use also those, more direct expressions.
In the context of the previous question, we are witnessing supporters of VMRO-DPMNE, and often also prominent members of the party, posting extreme hate speech on the social networks, including calls for ethnic cleansing, shooting, hanging, slaughter, rape… That is hatred directed against both members of certain ethnic communities and those who are not politically like-minded. What have you done so far in relation to the hate speech coming from along the lines of your party? What is VMRO-DPMNE’s plan for stopping the hate speech coming from your supporters and members? Do you have any message for your supporters regarding the hate speech directed against other ethnic communities and against those who are not politically like-minded? Is the party going to send a message for calming down passions and for a correct communication in the public and will it cooperate with the institutions in order to sanction hate speech?
You say that you are protesting against the violence. Against which violence are you protesting? Are you protesting against the violence that took place on April 27, 2017? Are you protesting also against the violence during your protests in the past, when news teams were attacked and calls for extreme violence had been made?
What is your position in regards to the Covid-19 epidemic? What specific solutions for overcoming the health crisis are you proposing? Let us remind you, you and representatives of your party are often violating the Covid-19 protection measures. In your opinion, does the Covid-19 pandemic exist, or is it something made up?
How did it come for your point of view and that of Dr. Velo Markovski from your party to differ so much? He practically says that Covid-19 doesn’t exist, whereas you demand much more rigorous protection measures than ever before, while at the same time you are violating the protection measures (the cases “Tavern”, “Fitness Club”, rallies, greeting children…) Do you communicate between each other?
You protest against the price of electricity with convoys of luxury cars on gasoline and diesel. Is there any message in that?
When speaking of the electricity, you were Gruevski’s energy advisor, and at the same time you had and ran businesses with hydropower plants in which you had an ownership share. At the time, the price of electricity went up by about 100%, the cheapер tariff was abolished, and there are also indications of suspicious import-export deals. With what credibility do you think you can protest for the increase in the price of electricity, especially since you organize protests with luxury automobiles, and not with people, as several non-governmental organizations and civic initiatives legitimately do? What was your role in creating and implementing Gruevski’s economic policies? How and with how much money did you manage to enter the business with hydropower plants? Where is that money from? How much money did you earn from the hydropower plants? How many other businesses are in the ownership of the Mickoski family?
What do you think about Mr. Nikola Gruevski? Are you really still under his control and executing his orders as SDSM claims?
Will you protest if Mr. Gruevski returns to North Macedonia and is taken to the prison in Idrizovo to serve a prison sentence? Why?
You lost in elections at all levels: local, presidential and parliamentarian and are still at the head of the party. Is that normal?
When you say Macedonian people, do you mean Macedonians in the ethnic sense of the word or all citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia? Can you explain to us a bit more about your understanding of the terms “people” and “nation”? In that context, to whom does the Macedonian state belong to? What is your conviction: Are you and I equal? For instance, can I, as someone who is not an ethnic Macedonian, decide on essential issues such as international and neighbourly relations just as much as you, as an ethnic Macedonian?
Who writes your speeches and replies to journalist questions?
(continues tomorrow)