It is not at all disputable, nor is it a problem to state easily that radical agendas, all, and especially those that are related to identity issues such as topics in the field of ethnic relations, identity issues, in terms of their cultural affiliation and so on onwards, if treated in an extreme way, they produce an atmosphere that is exclusive, that relies on animosity, on hatred and so on. In that sense, playing with nationalism is a very dangerous game, not only because we in the last three forty years in this part of the world, in the Balkans, it can have bloody consequences, to wage wars on those topics, and because the world and the region has long wanted to move to another sphere of forcing such relations to integrate into a European context, which means competition in other topics, innovation in cooperation, which means sharing certain realities without the need to make confrontations and to create animosities.
Sasho Ordanoski
Интервју за инцијативата „Обединети во различноста“: Играњето со национализмот е многу опасно, евроинтеграциите подразбираат соработка, а не конфронтации (Interview for the initiative “United for Diversity”: Playing with nationalism is very dangerous, European integration means cooperation, not confrontation)