Nationalism and corruption… Nationalism is on the rise, in all its forms, covert and overt. It is usually stupid and cheap. But what worries me even more is that it is the backbone of the strategies of serious players on the field with sophisticated and expensive tools in their predatory hands. Nationalism is used most insidiously, most inhumanely. And there is nothing in its essence. It is a tool for gaining money and power. Nationalism leads to the best possible position in the negotiations with the one who leads the government at the local or central level.
As for corruption? Deep, deep, at the root of the system, of every structure, of everyday life, of every single one of us. Visible and invisible, understandable and incomprehensible, voluntarily accepted or imposed… it is part of our culture.
Xhabir Deralla
Етнички и партиски мускули, национализам и корупција (Ethnic and party muscles, nationalism and corruption)