Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE’s army of trolls have “complained” to the public that Zaev and Sekerinska had come unprepared to the Leaders’ meeting. They did not explain, however, what that could mean? If we know that the leaders’ meeting was dedicated to the referendum and the processes related to it, it is quite unlikely that precisely those who are the driving engines of these processes would be unprepared, because they know every smallest detail of those processes. They couldn’t even be secretive about these topics, because they are constantly in the public and are discussing this at every possible occasion. As far as I know, they have not once rejected to participate at public events at which they respond fully to every question.

Zaev and Sekerinska often convene briefings with experts, university professors, former diplomats and creators of public opinion with various affiliations. They talk, but also listen, and write down every point at those meetings, worthy and with respect towards everyone’s opinion. I have been part of those briefings with the two highest representatives of SDSM and the Government, while relevant independent individuals sat at the table, but also supporters of both the left and right political options in the country. And how is that Zaev and Sekerinska were unprepared for the Leaders’ meeting?
I tried to arrive to details, that are not so much known to the public, but for which I am sure they need to know, in order to ensure dignified and informed participation in the process ahead of us.
Actually, Mickoski and his companion, although carrying two heavy bags at the Leaders’ meeting, were the ones who came unprepared, but on another topic. They came prepared, but on the topic of Amnesty! (for readers abroad: Mickoski is in a campaign to provide amnesty for the serious crimes of the previous government in exchange for cooperation in Macedonia’s EU and NATO integration process).
However, according to what I have found out, they hadn’t been prepared enough on that topic either, nor dedicated, so on a scale of one to five, they would get a good, but not excellent grade of: 3+. Meaning, not only had they missed the topic, but they also hadn’t been fully prepared and committed to the task that had been given to them from the kitschy party palace. So I emphasize: Mickoski’s and Karakamiseva’s bosses should know that their marionettes had not shown enough dedication to the topic of Amnesty. Not to mention Mickoski’s absence of will to share the burden with Karakamiseva and to take one of her heavy bags…
Mickoski and Karakamiseva had shown some knowledge at the negotiations, and declarative support for Macedonia’s future, meaning a passing grade of: 2. Still, if their commitment to Macedonia’s future is assessed, then they share the grade with the party, that is, the bosses for whom they work for, and that is zero.
Mickoski is facing a difficult choice before continuing the negotiations between the leaders, to whose reduced format he insisted on in order to feel as much as possible elite in this race with time. Surely, his move of disqualifying the smaller political parties has other purposes as well, among which also the intention to avoid the impression that he and his pals are lonely and small-numbered. That is a bad move, a failing grade 1. Even the “sparrows know”, as his fellow party member Mitko Atanasovski –Sparrow from the first Macedonian parliamentary composition liked to say, that a huge majority of Macedonian citizens want to walk towards the Macedonian future.
Nevertheless, Mickoski has a general passing grade in the first two rounds of the negotiations in the leaders’ meetings. We remain to see whether he will choose to prepare for the Macedonian future, or will remain buried in the Amnesty for which, on the other hand, he does not show enough commitment and readiness.
Good news is that Zaev remains fixed on the path towards the Macedonian future, in which there is no room for amnesty of criminals. This can be seen from his self-confident and optimistic expression on his face and from his wide smile.
At the end, I would like to share a message that Deputy Head of Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany Marco Aquatacci sent out at the reception on the occasion of his departure from Macedonia.
“I am happy that I am not leaving from a sinking ship, but from a ship that is grasping forward towards its European future at full steam”, he said.
We know. Macedonia is stepping towards its future, where there is also room for politicians who will fall to the bottom of the political swamps, together with their demands for amnesty, and with pockets filled with rubles. They will serve as a good, although dark, reminder in the future.
Photo by: Kiro Popov/kolektif/mk
Translated by: Natasha Cvetkovska