Thank you Zaev! Thank you for the historical YES for the Macedonian future. You said yes on behalf of those who love their Macedonian home. Thank you for the courage and patriotism, for the daring step of seven miles.

For two and a half decades we have been carrying the FYROM burden on our backs, humiliated and labeled as “provisional”.
Zaev has brought us the deed that was locked behind seven doors, guarded by the Cerberus of our Balkan stubbornness, but also by the incapability, indecisiveness and cowardice.
We have been arguing for two and a half decades, often with a high tone, for our name, around the world and at home, we defended the identity and the language, as we could and knew how to. Contrary to all the bitter experience from the stealing that was being hidden behind the supposed patriotism, which in fact was Stalinism and ethno-radicalism. Even the Russian ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, said that the Byakushki support the solution for the name dispute. OK, he didn’t pass the opportunity to also say a word against NATO, but that’s his job…
And yes! The time has passed when the right to patriotism and defending what is Macedonian was allowed only to those who were waving the flags of hatred and violence. Now pride and dignity, broadness and wisdom are on our side of the path towards Macedonia’s future. On the side of all Macedonians and their fellow citizens. We’ve made a historical step towards the future, patriotically and not nationalistically.
Today we should also congratulate our Prime Minister’s Greek colleague. Tsipras vowed to resolve the name dispute regardless of the price he would pay. He fulfilled his promise, despite the strong pressure from the nationalists and the church, sponsored by the kitchen in the Kremlin.
We will remember the day, when the resolution to the decades-long dispute was announced to us by Prime Minister Zaev, with a dose of necessary distress, but also with laughter, with typical Balkan spices. We will remember the poor journalist-cameraman of InfoMax, who was unable to read the messages of the grotesque agitprop center on his cell phone. Read it, read it– said Zaev kindly from the platform, and through laughter we evoked memories of the time when in the parliament there were papers going around with questions from the now convicted Gruevski…
The laughter continued into the early evening hours, following the historical announcement…Mickoski came at a press conference nervous, rude and insecure. In his speech, while properly sweating, he once again showed that he is persistently following the scenario for further sinking on the political scene.
Mickoski and the party that the Family pushed into his lap, have set the course of destruction and further marginalization on the political scene. It seems there is no turning back from that. It will be
very difficult for the healthy and modern structures in the party, now in the inner opposition, to pull the party out of the political losses that are awaiting DPMNE. But, if they remain patriots, and not nationalists, they will help give the biggest opposition party a new course, a Macedonian, not a FYROM one.
And let’s remind the big “hygienists” that the positions of our negotiators in this diplomatic blitzkrieg that was led by the modern prime ministers on the Macedonian and Greek side, would have been incomparably stronger. If we didn’t have the 11-year pogrom that was carried out by the Family and their foolish Skopje 2014 project, the story would have had a different course, and the work of the Macedonian patriots would have been easier. But let’s not return to the past, it’s time for the Macedonian future. I had to quote this one more time. And I will quote it many more times.
Because, finally, we have left FYROM behind us, an abbreviation as if we were a heavenly body from the periphery of a galaxy. We are leaving behind us the heavy weights that are pulling us down, in stupidity, poverty and isolation.
We have the deed in our hand. In autumn we need to put a stamp on it.