Difficult time for facts and the truth. Macedonian citizens are torn between propaganda and accurate information, conspiracy theories and real events. Only power is important to Mickoski and his grotesque political entourage. These days they have shown ignorance, and even more arrogance, drunken by the intense need to gain power.
Not once did they show that they possess knowledge, and even less respect for the legal framework in which their quest for seats will range. What is to be expected. On April 27 they were “defenders of the constitution”, and not destroyers of the Constitution and terrorists.
Such a obsession with the power of positions is a really interesting phenomenon. It’s worthy for scientists from many fields to deal with this a bit. And probably experts from the field of medicine.
Let’s leave medicine and psychiatry for a moment, and see what’s happening to the “heroes” in this political drama with strong elements of a spy thriller.
Mickoski is torn apart
This quest for positions in the central government turned out more complicated than what the thirsty for power imagined. Having become dizzy with the success of the local elections, according to the numbers, they did not win, but SDSM lost, they are slowly facing reality.
Mickoski is torn apart. On the one shoulder, three Albanian parties have weighed down, whose similarities end only in the thirst for power, but without which he cannot even imagine such a quest for power. On the other shoulder, he has the awkward little pendant, the radically rightist Left – radically incompetent to calm down and act reasonable and normal.
And in front of him stands the huge (moral) mountain that has embittered his political life (and not just him, but also many other): the resignation of Zoran Zaev, who bore the responsibility for the failure of the local elections.
The grotesque continues. The killers, together with some of their victims (some, because victims were many more people), are rushing to power.
Facebook is the only national media… And “bloody” arena
People are electrified and extremely polarized, some are scared, others are now awakening and the third are amusing themselves. Party oxen and bullocks of the “winning side” are clenching fists and swearing. Is there someone out there to tell the people what is really happening, what the legal possibilities are, what the plan is, what the perspectives are – no. No way. It’s unnecessary. It could burst the last balloon. Tensions are needed, not information.
Facebook is the only national media from which everything is announced, from which everyone is informed and on which everyone (of all kinds) speculates, analyzes. At the same time and moreover, Facebook, along with Twitter and TikTok are a “bloody’ arena where unimaginably heavy cruelty and hatred is poured out.
Uninformed people are easiest to manipulate. If at the same time they are simpleminded and vulgar, even more so. Without any shame, they insult families, women and daughters, they threaten with gross killings. For what?
For justice they will kill, set on fire, slaughter, hang and rape
Justice! It’s in the mouth and under the fingers on the keyboard of politicians and their online armies. Heroes. They will kill, set on fire, slaughter, hang and rape. That’s how people imagine justice. And they express this the way they have understood their political representatives and leaders. The politicians, on the other hand, have not a single time in all these years (decades) come out with at least a several seconds long statement in which they demand from their supporters to show a little, just a little, higher level in the public communication. What that means, can easily be concluded.
In the midst of the deafening noise of the bursting balloons, no one thinks about laws, procedures and democratic standards. Who resigns when they can, when they have to or need to, when the process starts and how it runs, what happens after, if anything at all happens. Here and there a journalist will remember to write something about that, but that’s where it about ends. Laws, standards and values are boring, give us turbo folk! Many important things are happening in the country, who has time for laws and democratic standards, for political culture and for values?
And no one is talking about what are we going to this winter, with the energy, financial, climate and all other crises. Or is that not so? Mickoski gave mayors an order what to work and how. That that is how it’s done in a democracy, the head of the party turns the light on and off everywhere.
It’s 8 in the morning. Good night. And good luck.
Translation: N. Cvetkovska