VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, announced through Facebook that they would submit an interpellation in the Parliament against Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski, for as they say, the unresolved murders, “Zaev’s black Watergate”, that is, the wiretapping of the prosecution and judiciary.
Ivanov gives amen to the Law on amnesty
The Law on amnesty has been published in the Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia, which has already been signed by President Gjorge Ivanov. The deadline of five days for the accused in the case for the April 27 events last year in Parliament starts today, in which they can submit requests for amnesty.
Mickoski has started an early election campaign
The President of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, announced a “hot summer” when he came to the leadership position, but it seems that he has started with the early “cold winter campaign!
“The fight has just begun brothers and sisters. And there is no stopping until we defeat them. The first victory will be at the presidential elections. That is why we must all be motivated and united. And we must endure, these December and January and February months, and March will come, and in April comes the big victory that will announce early parliamentary elections”, said Mickoski at yesterday’s protest (rally) in Skopje.
CIVIL urges – Celebrate safely! Ahead of the New Year’s and Christmas holidays, CIVIL appeals to all the citizens in the country to: Celebrate safely! In anticipation of the holidays, CIVIL – Center for Freedom is reminding that celebratory gunfire is forbidden by law and is extremely dangerous. There are numerous examples of celebrations and festivities ending tragically, when a falling bullet has killed and injured people passing by or a participant at a celebration. No matter how much you think you can use a firearm safely, have in mind that even the best professionals do make mistakes.
One of CIVIL’s slogans in the past years is: Do not be impressed by “weapons experts” – you will outlive them!
Twitter awards: “From the community – to the community”
The Twitter community traditionally for years now has been implementing one more initiative, which in addition to its competitive also has a humanitarian character. The Twitter awards will be awarded on December 22, Saturday, at Millennium Cinema, starting at 8.30 pm. The slogan remains “From the community – to the community”, like the previous six years.
D. Muratov