Several posts on certain Facebook pages, known for hate speech and misinformation and which openly run a black campaign in favor of a certain political party, present notorious lies, manipulations, offensive speech on ethnic grounds, hate speech against CIVIL representatives and threats. against her observers.
The purpose of this extremely inhuman and anti-democratic attack on a civil society organization for human rights is to put pressure on the organization and its members and to hinder its work, as well as to damage the reputation and trust that the organization enjoys in the public in the country and worldwide.
Physical incident
Tearce, primary school Ismail Kjemali, village of Nerashte, polling station ‘2029/1, Incident – a voter was not found on UBIG, he became distressed and aggressively attacked a member of the Election Board. There was almost physical confrontation. At the end, he voted by putting a hand fingerprint in the column foreseen for this in the voter’s list.
Pressure on CIVIL’s observers
Ceshinovo-Obleshevo, village of Ularci, polling station ‘0884, CIVIL’s observer was followed by a vehicle, had nowhere to report this because there were no police anywhere, not even at the polling station.
Kumanovo, Public Enterprise Water Supply- big hall, polling station 1016, CIVIL’s observer was requested additional documents for identification, was obstructed in the observation – was denied access to the polling station, while the small physical space and Covid protocols were indicated as a reason.
Agitation, organized transport of voters, threats to voters
Lozovo, primary school – v. Dorfulia, polling station 1708, the Mayor of Sv. Nikole, at the same time party observer, goes outside the polling station and agitates to the voters.
Tetovo, village Tearce, primary school “Kiril Pejcinovic” Tetovo, polling station 2010,2011,2012,2013 and 2014, in the immediate vicinity of the polling station there are posters hung up of a political party.
Unauthorized presence at polling station
Radovish, primary school – village Suldurci, polling station 1593, a voter who was not registered as a voter of that polling station by the Election Board, continues to move around that polling station.
Violation of secrecy of the vote
Rankovce, primary school – village Rankovce, polling station ‘0987, a voter takes a picture of a ballot.
Aerodrom, primary school “Goce Delcev”, Gorno Lisice, polling station ‘0725, names of voters are called out loud.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0046, reads names of voters out loud.
Aerodrom, primary school Ljuben Lape, polling station 2755, member of the Election Board reads ID numbers of voters out loud.
Kumanovo, high school Goce Delcev (main entrance) polling station 1074, a computer with a camera is turned directly towards the front door and looks at the Election Board, the observers and voters entering the polling station. It cannot be seen whether the camera is turned on or not.
Kumanovo, School ambulance, polling station 1069, there are security cameras throughout the ambulance that are not covered/protected and it is not clear whether they are working and recording. Some of the cameras literally have insight also behind the voting screens.
Kisela Voda, primary school “Krume Kepeski”, polling station 2761, names and last names of voters are read out loud by the Election Board.
Violation of the right to vote
Saraj, primary school “Ditria”, polling station 2433, voting has still not started until 9.30 am.
Center, primary school “Kole Nedelkovski”, polling station ‘2867/1, the voting has not started.
Problems with FP/UBIG
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0046, problems with the FP, does not find a voter.
Ceshinovo-Obleshevo, primary school – village Spancevo, polling station 0087, due to problems with the UBIG, voting has still not started at this polling station.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station ‘0058, problems with finding voters in the FP.
Center, Army Hall, polling station 2815, voting starts only at 9.45 am, due to lack of username and password for accessing the UBIG.
Bitola, primary school Kiril and Metodij, polling station 0059, 6 persons not detected on the FP.
Centar, primary school “Kiro Gligorov”, polling station 2805, voting starts at 7.15am, due to difficulties with the UBIG.
Violation of COVID protocols
Tetovo, village Leshok, polling station 2009, At the polling station, a person who is a representative of the Election Board does not wear a mask, thus violatins the Covid protocols for the implementation of the voting process.
Aerodrom, primary school “Goce Delchev” Gorno Lisiche, polling station ‘0728, the first voter was allowed to vote without a mask. At the same time, he was not reprimanded by the Election Board.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station ‘0058, voters without protective masks are allowed to enter.
Bitola, primary school Taksi Daskalo, polling station 0046, members of the Election Board do not wear masks.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0054, members of the Election Board do not wear masks.
Bitola, primary school Taksi Daskalo, polling station 0048, members of the Election Board do not wear masks.
Ohrid, primary school – village Velgoshti, polling station 1298/1, members of the Election board do not wear protective masks at all.
Butel ,primary school Zhivko Brajkovski, polling station ‘2911/1, the election board do not wear protective masks.
Assisting in voting, voting for someone else, family voting
Rankovce, primary school – village Rankovce, polling station ‘0987 Abuse of voting by being accompanied.
Impartiality, abuse of right to vote of disabled persons
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0048 no screens for disabled persons.
Vasilevo, primary school Goce Delchev – village Vasilevo, polling station ‘1800/1, third screen for disabled persons not set up.
Aerodrom, primary school “Blazhe Koneski”, polling station 2684, third screen for voters with a disability not set up.
Other irregularities
Tetovo, primary school “Bratstvo – Migjeni” polling station 1972, a voter tried to vote without showing an ID card, during which the Election Board acted according to the rules, that is, they did not allow him to go through. The voter reacted and while exiting, took photos of the members of the Election Board, but the Election Board called the police and took minutes.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, 0048, one person voted without an ID card, forgot his ID card at home, but the Election Board allows him to vote.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0057, a voter registered at a wrong place, in place of another voter and was registered in the log book.
Vasilevo, Army Hall – village Gradoshorci, polling station 1802, Representative of a List Submitter (party observer) smokes cigarettes indoors, at the very polling station.
Gjorche Petrov, primary school, village Pindzur, polling station ‘2581/1, two members of the Election Board, use tape to tape the stack of ballots.
Bitola, primary school Taki Daskalo, polling station 0057, the voting room is cold.
Kumanovo, Public Enterprise Pazarishte, polling station 1033, the door of the polling station is constantly closed, it is closed with every entry and exit of voters.
Aerodrom, primary school Ljuben Lape, polling station 2755, the President of the Election Board, fiercely reacted out in the hallway due to no soap and lack of hygiene in the toilets.
Aerodrom, primary school Ljuben Lape, polling station 2755, the President of the Election Board had no intention of periodically sending a report to the SEC, because other Election Boards were not doing so, and has no intention of spending additional money for the internet from her own pocket.
Aerodrom, primary school Ljuben Lape, polling station 2753, the President of the Election Board complains because of the large number of voters in this Polling Station (1703 voters) thinks the voters should be divided in two polling stations.
Lozovo, primary school – village Dorfulija, polling station 1708, The Mayor of Sv. Nikole, who was elected in the first round, appears as a party observer in the elections in the Municipality of Lozovo In the second round.
Chashka, primary school 2228, member of the Election Board carries no identification document from the SEC because he forgot it at home.
Kichevo, primary school “Marshal Tito” polling station ‘0723, the door of the polling station is closed with the explanation that it is cold, and
Kichevo, primary school “Marshal Tito”, polling station ‘0723, the ballot box is wrongly marked, instead of for council of municipality that they have taped, it should read for mayor of the municipality.