DEMOCRACY UNDER SIEGE is the title of the first panel discussion of the major international Conference “Defending Democracy and Human Rights in the Face of War, Nationalism and Authoritarianism”, which was held on December 12, 2024, organized by CIVIL – Center for Freedom (North Macedonia) and MEDIA DIALOGUE / Y4M (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), in partnership also with the New European People’s Forum based in Brussels, and with the support of the Government of North Rhine-Westphalia.
At the beginning of the conference, introductory addresses were made by Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal, European and International Affairs and the Media of North Rhine-Westphalia, H.E. Petra Drexler, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany and H.E Vilma Dambrauskienė, Ambassador of Lithuania.
The panel discussion that was led by the President of CIVIL, Xhabir Deralla, included the participation of Christiane Eilders, Professor at Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany, Sasho Ordanoski, Journalist, North Macedonia, Wolfgang Ressmann, President of Media Dialogue/Y4M, Germany and Heather Roberson Gaston, human rights experts, USA, who spoke about how wars and conflicts undermine democratic institutions and human rights, instill fear and spread disinformation and nationalist propaganda through the media.
Nathanael Liminski, Head of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: It has never been so urgent as it is today to work on topics of democracy, media and human rights
Head of the State Chancellery, Liminski, emphasized that it has never been so urgent as it is today to work on topics of democracy, media and human rights.
“Given the situation in the world and also our surrounding, it is clear that this conference is taking place at an appropriate time. It has never before been so urgent as it is today to work on the topics of democracy, media and human rights. I would like to thank you for managing to organize the presence of a large number of experts in Skopje and virtual presence today. I will follow the results and conclusions that you will make. I wish all of you a successful exchange of information and much success in the next several hours, especially in the implementation of the acquired knowledge”, Liminski said.
H.E. Petra Drexler, Ambassador of Germany: Defending democracy and human rights is not just an obligation, it is a precondition for the realization of our joint interests
Ambassador Drexler, in her address, stated that defending democracy and human rights is a key principle and moral and legal obligation not only of the EU, but also of other countries, while freedom of the press is a prerequisite and barometer of respect for human rights and a pillar of democracy.
“Defending democracy and human rights is not just an obligation, it is a precondition for the realization of our joint interests. This conference provides an opportunity to identify possible joint actions through an open debate. A debate between likeminded participants who do not necessarily agree in all their opinions and analysis, but who are united through a shared conviction and joint interest: defending human rights and making our democracies stronger”, the German Ambassador highlighted.
H.E Vilma Dambrauskienė, Ambassador of Lithuania: Our shared goal is strengthening democracy, promoting the rule of law and building resilience against external interference
Ambassador Dambrauskienė, in her introductory address, warned of autocracies that aim to re-shape the rules-based international order, but also through the formation of autocratic coalitions with shared interests to undermine democratic systems and values.
“North Macedonia’s commitment to European integration aligns with our shared goal of strengthening democracy, promoting the rule of law, and building resilience against external interference. By standing united, enhancing collaboration, pooling resources, and proactively safeguarding our sovereignty and democracy, we can effectively counteract authoritarian influences”, the Ambassador of Lithuania pointed out among other things.
DEMOCRACY UNDER SIEGE: How war and conflicts undermine democratic institutions and human rights
At the panel discussion, speakers spoke about how wars and conflicts undermine democratic institutions and human rights, instill fear and spread disinformation and nationalist propaganda through the media.
Sasho Ordanoski: The internet is a rabbit hole, algorithms are actually dealing with clicks, not on the importance, not on the framing, not on the the angles, not on the gatekeeping
Dr. Sasho Ordanoski, in his address, reflected on the fact that democracy is in crisis and individuals cannot defend it, and media has a major role.
“Journalism is not science, it’s a set of skills, so to become a good editor, it’s actually understanding these things, because these things are also a question of skills. In the last ten years, we have a big fight between editors, journalists, media and so forth, versus algorithms. Because algorithms do not have this editing process with skills, the business model of algorithms is different. Internet should have been the marketplace of ideas, and it started some twenty years ago. Today, the internet is a rabbit hole. Because algorithms are actually dealing with clicks, not on the importance, not on the angles, not on the framing, not on the gatekeeping”, Ordanoski said.
Christiane Eilders: The media were previously an infrastructure for democracy, today they are suspected of deepening conflicts
University Professor Dr. Christiane Eilders, from the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, Germany, in her address, focused on the role of the media in polarization.
“What I want to emphasize is that the media were the ones who were suspected of deepening conflicts and ones that worsen the situation in society, and that is alarming, because the media was previously seen as an infrastructure for democracy, because through them the opinion of the people was created, and the fact that this is no longer the case is already an alarming issue”, pointed out Dr. Eilders.
Heather Roberson Gaston: The issue of disaffection and lack of interest in democracy is really toxic
Human rights expert from the United States, Heather Roberson Gaston, who works at the University of Virginia, USA, has in-depth and long-standing knowledge of the conditions and processes in the Balkans.
“There are similarities, it’s almost the same as in the United States, there is a very strong sense in Macedonia, of course we have a problem with racism due to the economic situation, the ongoing war in Ukraine, polarization, disinformation, it seems like things are falling apart, it happens most often, although this is a global phenomenon, but people have the feeling that it’s locally, not globally, it’s hard to maintain government in such conditions, people will want to change the government, in Macedonia and in the US as well, to try another option”, Heather Roberson Gaston said among else in her presentation at the first panel of the Conference.
Wolgang Ressmann: For democracy, the process of rebuilding trust is most important
President of Media Dialogue, Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Ressmann, at the first panel “Democracy Under Siege”, among other things, said that democracy means that we need to cooperate and develop discussions on all problems. Democracy means to work without censorship and full involvement of everyone.
“Democracy means trust in justice, political system, politicians and the election process, but also what’s going on in the justice system. The process of rebuilding trust is the most important thing, it means international work, it means to bring together young people with journalists, lecturers, experts and to discuss and to bring it to society and to show failures in society and the democratic system. Today’s invitation is to discuss in a world without war. When democracy is abolished, the danger of war is rising. To fight for our democracies, for our rights, but also to fight for the rights of others to overcome polarization”, Dr. Ressmann highlighted.
The goal of the Conference is to shed light on the challenges against democracy and human rights, but also to develop applicable recommendations and foundations for strategies to overcome them. The Conference was part of the official program of Human Rights Week – an initiative of North Rhine-Westphalia, and was held on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, as well as the 25th anniversary of the founding of CIVIL in 1999. The Conference is part of the international initiative Defending Democracy that was launched by partner organizations in Skopje.
Translated by: N. Cvetkovska
For more information on the Conference, please visit the special website
CONFERENCE, FULL VIDEO, Streamed live on December 12, 2024:
#DefendingDemocracy PRESS CONFERENCE