Only total amnesia suits the remaining loyalists of VMRO-DPMNE’s criminal wing. Not reconciliation, not amnesty, but total amnesia. Their contact with reality is not their strong side (of the loyalists). They are strongly, to the point of pain, holding the throne in the party, having no other reserve exit from the dead-end they themselves have paved, and in which they are stubbornly pushing the entire party, but also much more than that.

When the victim extends a hand
This just isn’t working anymore. It seems that they can’t understand the reconciliation, they simply can’t get such a concept through their head. We are talking about a concept that is not unknown to the world, or to Macedonia. It is the political reconciliation for which CIVIL called for back in 2011, ten years after the process for ethnic reconciliation started. The legendary EU Ambassador Erwan Fouere often mentioned the political reconciliation. After everything that happened, with a scar on his forehead from the attack against his life, Prime Minister Zaev also offered reconciliation.
None of that gets through their head. Or at least that’s how it seems. Their only reaction to all of that is – amnesty. They don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, that broadness, virtue and visionary are needed when someone who has been a victim offers reconciliation. Especially if the victim is no longer in a situation to beg, but is offering the reconciliation from a winning position. Not accepting an extended hand is a sign that on the other side you either have people with limited intellectual capabilities or shameless and unscrupulous offenders. In both cases, they are spitting on the extended hand.
The stubborn bully and his companions
Vlatko Gjorcev acts like an immature and stubborn bully from the stand in the Parliament and in front of cameras. He’s like an impolite child who has no consideration for anything or anyone. He is full of insults and lies, constantly telling the same old story that he probably believes himself, and for him the totally meaningless fuss he’s making seems like a human speech. The poor guy, he just can’t realize that he’s ridiculous when he says pathetically with his semi-articulated performance from the parliamentary stand: “You are not doing anything for filling the boxes for the referendum”.
This character, Gjorcev, was also part of the criminal gang that filled boxes, dragged people by the neck, treated people like “little men” (his minister from the MOI) for years. Not once, not twice, but for years. He didn’t say who, when, at which places he filled boxes, based upon which findings, more important – what kind of findings, with what relevance…Nothing of that. He and his pals in crime, not a bit subtle, are pointing the finger towards the Albanians. Regardless of whether they will say the word Albanians or not, the direction of their accusation can be seen quite clearly, since they have spread enough prejudice and hatred in recent decades. Yes, they do that. And yes it implies a series of chauvinistic and extreme nationalistic opinions. And we need to “buy” that now? So that we can say that there is a political dialogue and for there to be “two sides”?
Devaluation of the dialogue
They know very well that everything they say is a lie and a manipulation. Their attacks are such that devaluate every argued debate, a conversation with them has no value, it’s like talking to a brick wall. They know that they are lying. This can be notices from their structural and well-planned performances and actions.
They are not stupid, although they seem and sound like that. What they are constantly repeating is not a sign of some kind of mental illness, but rather an intentional, although stupid, imposition.
If you ask me, all of their deadlines have expired. After all the attempts to which they responded with rampage and violence, now they just need to exclude themselves from all talks. The way the international community isolated Mickoski, is how all the others should simply face the consequences from the crime and violence they carr(y)ied out. To face the full force of justice and to have their mouths shut, once and for all. That, no doubt, will also help the disadvantaged, and for progressive people in that party to go after what is theirs. If you have talks with such characters, they are only factorized, while the party is kept in captivity of a handful of radicals.
Now I’m going to raise your blood pressure…under the excuse “Let’s be clear, this is Macedonia”, there will be, unfortunately, some kind of amnesty. Let’s hope that what is going to happen in the following weeks and months will not additionally tear down our hope that we will see the rule of law and justice for the criminals. I’m not saying that I agree with even a partial amnesty, but I just want to prepare for surprises and try to find sense in this huge and general nonsense.