The EU not green lighting the opening of negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania is a clear failure of the bloc, European Commissioner Johannes Hahn said in an address at the panel “Resetting EU-US synergy toward the Western Balkans”, held in Ohrid at the Prespa Forum Dialogue.
Hahn, who played a key role in EU enlargement policies while serving as commissioner in charge of enlargement and neighborhood polices, expressed regret over the decision of the EU leaders.
Reiterating that it is a clear failure on EU’s part, Hahn stressed that the European Commission had released many reports confirming the two countries had delivered.
“We always said after they deliver, we will deliver, but we haven’t so far. I hope progress will be made during Slovenia’s presidency, even though six months is a short time, but sometimes in politics it can be enough,” said the European commission, who is currently in charge of budget and administration in the EU.
Politicians, not experts and scientists, are the ones who should make decisions, according to Hahn. The key feature of a good politician and a good leader is to reach a compromise, a win-win situation for all parties involved, which was the case with the Prespa Agreement, he stated.
Noting what the EU and the United States can do, Hahn said that they should invest in economic development without neglecting rule of law.
Budget Commissioner Hahn said the EU has awarded EUR nine billion in unreturnable funds for the region and another EUR 20 billion in loans.