CIVIL strongly condemns the violence and hate speech at the protests, which are being held under the slogan “Ultimatum, no thanks”, against the European Proposal concerning the EU accession negotiations for North Macedonia, protests that should have been civil, but it is more than obvious that they are orchestrated by opposition political parties.
A protest as an expression of dissatisfaction and making a point is an unalienable human right, and should be respected as such. But when civil protests are used by certain centers of power for the display of violence, hate speech on ethnic grounds, insults, and calls for death, for their own interests, which are highly destructive for society and the country, then the foundations of democracy upon which society is built and developed are ruined.
CIVIL calls for the leaders of political parties to refrain from encouraging calls for violence and hate speech. Nothing is resolved with violence, and hate speech against fellow citizens only encourages political violence. That is unacceptable and against the laws of public interest.
CIVIL appeals to certain media outlets not to encourage hate with disinformation, fake news and division, and to the competent institutions, to fulfill their legal obligation to protect the public interest, peace and security and accordingly sanction all the activities that go beyond the guaranteed right to peaceful protest.
As to the organs for public order and peace, CIVIL calls for dignity and professionalism in completing the tasks, and not succumbing to provocations.
CIVIL calls: Deny violence and hate speech!