I am looking at a picture of the stands of the football field in Tetovo and…What? A football stadium? That lawn with several rows of benches around, you call that a stadium? Hmm, all right…You know best. Besides, I want to clear something else for myself and for you, if you agree.

Cannon fodder
I see on the picture teenagers and a few a bit older people, nevertheless very young people. I see a huge banner stretching almost across the entire length of the little meadow (I mean the stadium!). It has something written on it about uniting, about quests and victories. I see the same or similar banners on the “other” side, with somewhat different colors, in a different language. However, the messages are the same or similar. I see a lot of smoke, pyrotechnics…someone who doesn’t know the languages and the context would think that there is a joyous event going on in a provincial town.
But, that’s the youth, radicalized nationalists.
The young fans are great cannon fodder for the radical structures that work on agendas that those children cannot understand, and even less plan out. They are not responsible for this evil that is jabbering on the streets and on the little fields where balls and provincial sports teams are rolling. They are too young to understand what they have been pushed into. They are too young to bear full legal responsibility for their actions.
An excellent opportunity for the dirty traders with crazy ideas who belong to the ancient past.
A quest for victory for everyone
All of them together, those children, together with their parents and teachers, mobilized under the often grotesque titles like Balists, Dukes, Komiti, Smugglers, Family Aerodrom, Loyal fans, City Park boys, Pirates and all others – should gather in one place and then head in front of the doors of their municipal administration, and then in front of the doors of the Agency for Youth and Sports, and then to the Government…To request better playgrounds, more money for their favorite clubs, for the dressing rooms to at least look decent, to ask for better stands, safer entrances, spotlights for the evening matches, displays for following the results…
Hence, this quest will be a victory for everyone.
In this quest, the losers will be the profiteers from the hatred, more precisely, political parties and other radical structures that are directly responsible for the infection. Sports competitions mobilize hordes of obnoxious, disobedient and vulgar kids. But the tensions, hate speech, extremism and violence are generated in the kitchens of those who abuse the youth in the interest of their dark goals and bank accounts.
From hooligans to successful politicians
The Government recently promoted a special body for society and interculturalisn, or whatever it’s called. Well now they’ve got work to do. We achieved the unity and respect for diversity during the civil non-violent resistance against the violent and criminal regime. We overcame all the differences and became an example in the world for non-violent resistance and unity. There’s no need for the government body to think up new stuff, all it has to do is to continue with the benefits of the progressive civil resistance. They need to immediately get out on the streets and on the playgrounds. To see the ugly situation of the sports fields. The 100 ones, which were promoted by the one who is quoting Andric on Facebook.
It’s clear as day that hatred along ethnic and religious lines is the most efficient and cheap investment in the political career of the well-known characters. We know about the top positions that some current politicians reached both from “one” and the “other” side. If we take a look at their political careers, we will realize that they have replaced their incapability to be leaders in promoting positive civilization values with promotion of hatred and violence.
And they have succeeded. From hooligans to successful politicians. Have they ever shown that they regret their misdeeds? Have they become leaders who transformed hatred and violence into a message for respecting diversity and democratic progress? I don’t remember such a statement.
One of them is a former war criminal, now an MP who was welcomed by Gruevski’s clique and is still treated like a national hero to this day. Another one was a leader of a mass fight on the Skopje Fortress.
Our children come home crying, with their heads bleeding, and even lose their lives on the streets like little puppies. They destroyed their youth with stupidity and bloody violence. Why? For someone to collect a bloody benefit. Helloo! Is there anyone home?