Let’s conclude…This is a time of dirty political games when fake news, conspiracy theories, violence and the black political campaign are dominating once again throughout the media and public space. Whether they will succeed depends on all of us, not only of the politicians. It would be ideal when the big decisions and important processes were to depend on the citizens and their courageous, wise and provident political representatives, and not on political profiteers and bullies. They have gotten rich and are still getting rich on the account of tax payers, and are digging their graves, and have long ago sold Macedonia, the one they are “defending”.

These days, the inevitability of every person who lives or is from Macedonia to choose is most strongly expressed. And instead of living days of discussions among dignified citizens, we are in the grip because of greedy perpetrators who have climbed on to the scene (and just cannot climb down) with arrogance and destruction.
The Macedonian citizens are faced with two possibilities.
One possibility is for them to live at the bottom of the Balkans hopelessness. Balkans sunk into crime, radicalism and blood. Balkans, unstable and fragmented by violence, under the rule of endless greedy thugs, an oasis for organized crime and money laundering. Balkans divided and destroyed by ethnic hatred and conflicts. Balkans obsessed with maniacal and sick hatred against non-existing enemies, irreversibly lost in immoral rot of ethno-radicalism. Macedonia, a piece of land with a property deed, trapped in the Balkan darkness…at the bottom. That is, not Macedonia, but FYROM.
The other path, in an opposite direction, is the Euro-Atlantic integration, in company with open and dynamic societies, with democratic (and some less democratic) governments, sincere partners of civil society. A state in which the institutions function and serve the citizens, in which the rule of law governs and human rights and freedoms are respected.
What kind of Macedonia do we want?
We want a Macedonia in which there is continuous work on peace and well-being of the citizens, in which discrimination is forbidden and is sanctioned, in which there is gender equality, justice and fairness. We want a Macedonia in which there is social and environmental justice, protection of vulnerable categories, respect for political, economic and social rights of all equally. Macedonia in which employers have the obligation to care for the employees and to respect their right to strike…All of this, and more, can be part of the Macedonian future too.
After many years of regression, violence and destruction, the Macedonian perspectives are now brighter and promise harmonization with the European values, in which the dignity of man is in the first place. Something that seems like a beautiful dream, but is so realistic and possible, only if we don’t allow the destructive forces to overpower and destroy what has been achieved in such a short time.
One person is not enough…
However, before we make a step towards that Macedonian future, we have crooks painted with all covers standing on our way. And we are slow…contrary to the compliments and encouragements from the international community that has recognized the gigantic achievements, we all know some of us who are speaking loudly that the necessary reforms, nevertheless, need to be more energetic and thorough, that the institutions are non-functional and are politicized. Clientilism and corruption are deeply rooted in the Macedonian society, the media are in a bad situation, while the ethnic and religious tensions are still the best and cheapest tools in the hands of the structures who do not want progress and freedom.
And just one person is not enough, a good person, that strange enthusiast who grasps with unseen optimism, collects recognitions from the entire democratic world, with a contagious smile that no one can take off his face, as if he knows something else all the time…No. In this story everyone is needed. Even those who are hesitant and those who until yesterday were waving flags of hatred…
There is room for everyone in this Macedonia, desolated from foolishness and greed, but in which new hope has been born. There is room for reconciliation and for starting a discussion, even if with lowered eyebrows and raised tones.
Before the last train leaves.
Translated from Macedonian by: Natasha Cvetkovska