“Nationalism is gaining momentum more and more in the world and unfortunately we are no exception. We are witnessing more and more intolerance on ethnic grounds, some old rhetoric known from the time of fascism is returning, promoting characters from history who supported fascism. There is no compromise here and they must be cut from the root. We live in a multi-ethnic state and such nationalist rhetoric must be severely punished because the damage can be fatal. Art and artists must not be just silent observers of such deviant phenomena in society and must raise their voices. “They need to be part of progressiveness, part of the society they will lead and create a society that will be equally good for all without intolerance on any grounds.”
Zoran Kardula
Кардула: Граѓанинот треба да биде гласен, да биде дел од прогресивната борба за подобро општество (Kardula: The citizen should be loud, be part of the progressive struggle for a better society)