By Xhabir Deralla
History does not forgive those who bow to tyranny. If America falls in line with Putin, it will be remembered not as a superpower, but as a humiliated country.
Is this really happening? The U.S. president, Donald Trump, who pushes an authoritarian agenda at home, has aligned himself with the murderous dictator and war criminal Putin – blaming Ukraine for starting the war! Let it be remembered – Trump’s appeasement of a war criminal is not just cowardice – it is a betrayal of every American who ever fought for freedom. This is a heavy blow to the world’s conscience and morality!
The terrorist state that launched a Hitler-style full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an independent and sovereign country in Europe, is now sitting at the negotiation table with the U.S. – a scene no sane person could have ever imagined. Treachery and capitulation are the only words that come to mind upon witnessing negotiations about Ukraine, yet without Ukraine.
Equally unacceptable, these negotiations are also taking place without Europe – of which Ukraine is a fellow nation – on whose soil marauding Russian forces have committed and continue to commit horrific war crimes, all cynically ‘justified’ by the Kremlin’s genocidal ideology. Is this what Trump calls “putting an end to a war”? It can’t be! It is nothing less than the justification of wars of aggression, war crimes, and genocide.
America needs to wake up. Now! This is not about left or right, Democrat or Republican – it’s about democracy versus dictatorship, truth versus lies, justice versus genocide. A leader who kneels before dictators does not lead – he submits in shame.
Unless U.S. citizens want their country to become a vassal state of Russia, they must put an end to their president’s disgustingly immoral stance.
And Europe! Europe must stand tall and defend itself from what’s coming.
Saying NO to Trump now is not just a choice – it is a moral obligation for Americans and the world. Saying NO to Trump is saying NO to Putin, and it is not only justified, but an imperative – just as it was morally and humanly justified to say NO to Hitler and Mussolini some 85 years ago.
There is not a single logical reason for the world’s strongest democracy to kneel before a bloodthirsty war criminal, gangster, and dictator. To surrender to Putin is to betray everything America stands for.
If Trump hands victory to Putin, it will not be just Ukraine that suffers – the world will enter a new era of darkness, ruled by those who weaponize fear and lies. The ripple effects of appeasing a tyrant will roar across the globe, unleashing new waves of violence, repression, and destruction. Whole nations will fall, human rights and freedoms will be crushed, and the ideals of liberty and justice will become history. Indefinitely.
So, this is my call… Say NO to genocide. Say YES to a just peace. That is all the world needs to save its soul – and its humanity.
Siding with a tyrant who slaughters children, rapes women, and erases entire cities is not ‘diplomacy’ – it is complicity in war crimes.