Having met coincidentally with a young, modern and successful lawyer, we mentioned how resentful people are. “People don’t want to talk to each other, they don’t even want to hear facts, to try to agree” – he says. His has hands full of work with people who are determined to go all the way, to spend the last denar, just so they can embitter the life of someone who has “wronged them”. The hallways of the courts are filled with people who don’t talk to each other because of small arguments in the neighborhood, in the small businesses, in inheritance procedures or other everyday situations.

Relatives, brothers and sisters who have quarreled are dragging themselves in courts for years, for small stuff, for a few square meters of property. People who until recently have been partners in business, once things start going down or quickly pick up, all of a sudden become enemies and do everything possible, at the cost of mutual destruction and the fall of the firms, just to have it their way. And indeed, the consequences are fierce for both sides. The courts are slow, rigid and corrupt, while the court procedures are very expensive.
Morale is a weakness
It’s not about bringing justice anymore, but about doing things out of spite. What’s important is who will endure, and not who is right. There’s no talk between people anymore, not even at a higher tone. Quiet, conspiratorial scheming, knife in the back, slander and malice, a clearly defined intention to hurt someone, to destroy their life or business.
And all of this cold-heartedly, without emotions, without thinking about the consequences for anyone, without any consideration for someone’s children who might suffer because of their parents’ spitefulness…
Stamps and signatures are put on approvals and permits for a little pig and two glasses of brandy, just like Gruevski used to collect twenty million and more per project. For some it’s a pig, for others a million. From top to bottom, the logic is the same, to grab, to take advantage, to fill up the stomach, while the others are “in a gulley”, under “a concrete plate” …
Morale is a weakness, taking advantage of the chance even at the cost of destroying someone is a “virtue”.
Gains from the misfortune of others
It’s been quite normal for some time…for people who have been colleagues until recently, with whom they have shared the workplace, to be the worst of enemies now, to organize a hunt against them, regardless of whether it will end with harming their health or with death. It’s important to protect one’s own interest, and to ruthlessly lie where it’s important, that it’s for higher purposes. In business and in everyday life, as in politics – there is disturbing indifference everywhere towards the life of the other.
Filthy, evil and indifferent.
If sometimes the distress of another person was an obligation to help that person, now it’s a chance to gain something. The health of a child is conditioned by how much the child’s parents are financially powerful or related to such characters.
Word and trust have disappeared. Previously, craftsmen used to gather for an ordinary coffee chat in order to solve a disagreement between two of them or to collect several thousands of Marks to help someone in crisis. Now that’s put in the labyrinths of notary records, attorney agreements, guarantees, conditions, interest and a bunch of other stuff.
Bring that little pig here!
Who do we ‘owe” that disfiguration to, that fall? Who do we “owe” to for people becoming so cruel and greedy, money-loving people with a conscience? Probably, the decades of war, crisis, crime and sociopaths in power in our surrounding and at home have been a hard blow to humanity. It will be pathetic if I (we) ask whether there is a way back, whether there is a cure for that.
Just take a look at what the “reconciliation” that Prime Minister Zaev proposed looks like, no matter how unclear it was what he meant by it. Reconciliation doesn’t have to mean amnesty (as well), especially not for insidious and brutal acts. But that’s the only thing that is being requested. Those kind of characters only want amnesty, but don’t even think of reading what that term means, and let alone understand and accept it.
Amnesty without reconciliation – that’s the goal. And then, a praise for the crooks and criminals. And we, the ordinary mortals, will be like a mirror of the brutal struggles on the top, we will argue between ourselves and will stab ourselves with a knife in the back, consistently following the “trends”. That’s why none of us will understand what reconciliation is, will not care at all about the law, justice and freedom.
Bring the little pig here! And the glasses with brandy, the good one! May the enemies die! May the neighbor’s cow die, and mine too, so that he doesn’t ask me to give him milk!
“Hippie” ending
Honestly, I started feeling sad while I was writing this morning piece of paper. I have the need to fill my mental charger with “grenades” of warmth and understanding, and to fire them all over the Earth’s surface, no matter how “hippie” that sounds.
I will be happy if a I hear that someone, after having read this, will call someone with whom they have a misunderstanding or dispute, in order to settle things. We need that. We need to return our conversations and the understanding between us, in order to oppose the potentates who have no morale and intention to find it in themselves.
You know where to find me. For once tell me about a nice ending of an unpleasant life event. Tell me how you have reconciled with someone, even if it were at your own expense.