Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenber said it was possible to find a political way forward with joint efforts with Russia, but also to resolve Moscow’s concerns, adding that there was still a risk of conflict, writes Sloboden Pecat.
“We have to work hard and hope for the best, but also prepare for the worst,” he told The Financial Times.
He added that the Alliance was ready for a “new armed conflict in Europe” if negotiations failed, at a time when Western powers were preparing for potential talks with Moscow on reducing military exercises, arms control and promising not to install US missiles in Ukraine.
– I am aware of Russian history. They have been in conflict with their neighbors for centuries. But Russia has an alternative – to cooperate, to work with NATO, he added. Stoltenberg says he expects a “series of meetings” to be necessary to find a mutually acceptable solution.
He added that NATO wants to strive for better relations. “We have proven before that we are capable of compromises and finding solutions with Russia,” he said.