The Ministry of Interior informs the public that it is conducting a preventive campaign this year as well, with the purpose of pointing out to the citizens the possible consequence of the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices, especially popular before and during the New Year’s and Christmas holidays.
The Ministry of Interior has taken repressive measures in order to sanction the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices and reminds citizens of the legal provisions that sanction the use of pyrotechnic devices and their illegal sale.
Thus, the Law on Misdemeanors Against the Public Order and Peace in Article 31 provides a fine in the amount of 200 to 500 euros in denar counter-value for one who fires firearms without authorization, uses pyrotechnic devices or similar explosive or flammable material, or in a similar way disturbs the peace and security of citizens.
According to the Criminal Code, Article 396 provides for the illicit manufacture, possession and trade of weapons or explosives, whereby:
(1) Whosoever without authorization manufactures, posses, procures, mediates in trade or exchanges firearms, ammunition or explosive materials shall be sentenced to imprisonment of three to ten years.
(2) If subject of the crime referred to in paragraph 1 is a larger quantity of firearms, ammunition or explosive materials, or firearms, ammunition or explosive materials prohibited for the citizens, the offender shall be sentenced to imprisonment of at least five years.
Translation: N. Cvetkovska