NEWS OF THE DAY: France ratifies NATO Accession Protocol, only Spain remains to ratify
“The National Assembly of France ratified North Macedonia’s NATO Accession Protocol. One more step left to the goal we set in 1993 – full membership in the Alliance!”, announced Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov on Twitter.
Minister of Defence, Radmila Sekerinska, posted on Twitter: France ratified! We still have Spain left! We are becoming a full member of NATO!”.
Ruskoska’s message angers judges
The SMS message from the Head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime, Vilma Ruskoska, that she will launch a financial investigation against judges of the Court of Appeal, who decided former Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, charged in the “Racket” case, to be released from detention in the Sutka prison and to be under house arrest, angered the judges of the Court of Appeal.
For the judges, such behaviour by Ruskoska is unprecedented in the judicial system, whereas for the Judicial Council it is contrary to the Code of Ethics of Public Prosecutors.
– “If you, with the council have released Katica, you better know that I will shake down the entire council with a financial investigation. Because of judges like you, we will never enter the EU. If it is not your council, I apologize. But if it is you, you will see”, is the content of the SMS message, as stated by the Court of Appeal, that prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska had sent to one of the members of the Criminal Council of the Court of Appeals.
Velkovski: My disability does not bother me, rather the obstacles around me
My disability does not bother me, rather the obstacles around me. It annoys me when I am prevented from going somewhere where there is no platform or transportation for me, and my parent have to carry me. I was a little child until now, so my parents helped me and removed the obstacles for me. But I want to grow up into a person who will be independent, said 11-year-old Jane Velkovski, disability advocate for rights of children with disabilities at the panel discussion – “Leave no Child Behind: For Every Child, Every Right”, at the high level gathering in the United Nations General Assembly.
As the UNICEF Office in Skopje informed today, at the gathering that was held within the framework of “Thirty years of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the marking of World Children’s Day” that took place on November 20, 2019 in the headquarters of the United Nations, he said that children like him probably feel the same, saying they should be persistent and never give up on their dream.
– The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate announced that yesterday they had performed an extraordinary inspection supervision in the doctor’s office within the Penal Correctional Facility Prison Skopje, which is part of the Public Health Institute Health Care Skopje. The supervision, as pointed out by the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate followed the information published in electronic media by Bojan Jovanovski’s lawyers, who accuses of doctor negligence in regards to his health condition.
– We have stable relations with DUI, but until the elections it is important for us to focus on what we will offer the citizens, and for them at the elections, how they will determine their votes is how they will direct us in the area of future cooperation.
This was outlined by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in response to a journalist question in relation to the statement by Vice President of the party Muhamed Zekiri that he does not want to coalition with DUI, pointing to the democracy in SDSM and the existence of the right to discussion, freedom and different opinion inside.
– If two years ago we had only one female colonel, now we have three. If previously there had been no women in higher positions, now for the first time in the history of our country we have a woman who is an adjutant of the Supreme Commander. Our policy is that literally every female candidate for soldier who meets the requirements – physical, health and
education wise, should have the chance to be accepted, and until this day, not a single competition has been completed without accepting all female candidates fulfilling the requirements.
This was stated by Minister of Defence Radmila Sekerinska at the Regional Conference “The Role of Woman in Preserving Peace and Security – Resolution 1325-Basis for action”, which was held today in Skopje.
– Minister of Justice Renata Deskoska today stated that they are committed to vetting and that honest judges and prosecutors should not fear abuses in the implementation of that process.
– The Public Revenue Office today called on citizens who use the application “MyVAT” to check data on their transaction accounts because of returning part of the value added tax.
– State President Stevo Pendarovski today promised that he would do everything he can within his competence with the purpose of mitigating the negative effects of climate changes and appealed to all competent authorities in the country to increase their engagement.
Attention: Glass up to knees, Silegov and Trajanovski debated!
“Why does EVERY political debate in Macedonia, and even this one as well about the city, have to turn into a street argument with sleeves rolled up? Instead of a clash of urban concepts, we have a clash of accounting statements served to us, with many allusions of crimes and abuses. A certain level of abstraction of problems is expected from former and current mayors of the capital city, a debate on the philosophy of modern living, and not just a yelling, self-advertising competition about asphalted squares and planted grass. The mayor is like a conductor of a large symphony orchestra who is not there just to correctly read the notes and the rhythm of the score, but to also convey his understanding of the spirit of the act”, writes Saso Ordanoski.
Angela Petrovska in cooperation with: Dehran Muratov, Biljana Jordanovska and Saso Ordanoski.
Translation: Natasa Cvetkovska