Why the decision on constitutional changes will pass according to which Bulgarians, Croats, Montenegrins and probably one or more ethnic communities will be included in the Constitution?
Because it is a wise and statesmanship decision.
Because there is no common sense reason for our citizens from other ethnic communities not to be part of the Constitutions in which, in addition to the Macedonian, six more communities are already included.
Because in this why, the Macedonian state manifests the highest democratic level and maturity.
Because with that decision we will make another major step forward, on the highway towards the EU and towards the developed democratic world.
Because, regardless of party affiliation, there are conscious MPs in the Macedonian parliament who love their country and sincerely want to be a member of the EU. Because, there are already MPs of the opposition who have already made this statesmanship decision or are seriously thinking about it.
Because the citizens don’t want to wait a minute longer, while some politicians are fighting for power. The citizens have read those politicians who are fighting at all costs to fulfill their personal appetites and heal their personal complexes and frustrations on the backs of the citizens. Their price is too high, and what they offer is too harmful.
Because the citizens want to live decently and in a dignified manner, in a stable, prosperous and safe country that respects human rights and freedoms. The politicians recognize the interests of the citizens, even when they don’t care about them. Most of the politicians want to be part of the processes that lead forward, and don’t remain beside the road, in the ditch of history. They don’t want to go down in history as people who have harmed their own country.
Because 50% of the members of the biggest opposition party don’t agree with the policy of blockades and violence that the leadership of the party has been practicing for years. They want to be members of a modern conservative party that leads them towards Europe.
Because there are people in parliament who want to fulfill the Macedonian national interests.
Because they are true patriots.
Because… (fill in yourself)
Why might the decision on constitutional changes not pass?
It will pass.
Translation: N. Cvetkovska