I think that Macedonia is a country in which we are all equally its citizens, or here, we are now celebrating 19 years of the Framework Agreement, and the whole debate was focused on how much Macedonians got, how much the Albanians got, but the Framework Agreement, the changes that resulted from that agreement is building a civil state. The Bosniak community entered, the Turks entered, the Serbs entered, the Vlachs, we became an equal state for all. For nineteen years we have not been able to get out of the fact that this country belongs to only two nations, and the rest of us, if we manage to swim out… No, this country belongs to all of us. When we accept it that way, then we will put out the fire that arises from nationalism.
Mersiha Smailovikj
И „нашиот“ и „вашиот“ национализам е еднакво лош (Both “our” and “your” nationalism are equally bad)