I must be honest and realistic that in these parliamentary elections some structures tried to bring it back to the national level. I think that is wrong and the political structures and groups at a higher level should bring order because the spread and return of nationalism, we all know that it is very easy to win elections and to manipulate the citizens with national feelings, be they Macedonians or Albanians and other nationalities, because the future is in the economy. An appeal to all political entities is when they go out on a rampage to fight for the economy and who will do in the next four years, to fight for social justice, to fight for order in this country.
I did not like everything else that they promoted in these elections, but fortunately it did not succeed and I think that the citizens recognized that the time of great patriots and great nationalists is over. The citizens are also aware that the progress of this country and its progress and entry into the EU is exactly the concept of coexistence and multiethnicity and everything else is disastrous.
Goran Stojanovski, mayor of Chashka
Интервју за ЦИВИЛ Медиа: Иднината на државата лежи во економијата, а не во национализмот (Interview with CIVIL Media: The future of the country lies in the economy, not in nationalism)