As Zelenska posted on Telegram, the issues of children’s education and cultural diplomacy were discussed. In particular, the prime minister’s wife was interested in the details of book projects. It was agreed to maintain close cooperation in these areas.
Ukraine’s First Lady also informed Murty about her Foundation, the areas of its work, and how the Britons can join it.
The first ladies talked about the consequences of the Russian attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine, about people who were left without heating and electricity, and about doctors who were forced to perform surgeries without electricity.
“This is a new challenge for our already overburdened health care system. Therefore, cooperation with Great Britain in healthcare would be very important for us, especially in prosthetics for those injured in the shelling,” Zelenska emphasized.
Ukraine’s First Lady invited Murty to participate in the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen – the first and only forum of spouses of world leaders founded last year in Kyiv. “This year, despite the shelling, we gathered for the second time in an even larger group to plan the restoration of Ukraine,” she noted.
“From my experience and that of my colleagues, I now know for sure: the first ladies are not just soft but quite a strong power that can do a lot to defeat the aggressor and establish justice,” the President’s wife added.
At the beginning of the meeting, the first ladies were joined by the prime minister himself. Zelenska personally thanked him for the British assistance for Ukraine amid Russia’s war.
“I believe his recent words: ‘Together we will protect Ukraine’,” the First Lady emphasized.