NEWS OF THE DAY: Janeva under house arrest, Ruskoska announced financial investigation against judges who made the decision
Former Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva has been released from detention and is under house arrest for the “Racket” case, following a decision of the Court of Appeal, while Public Prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska who is handling the case announced initiating a financial investigation against the judges who made the decision.
“If you with the council have released Katica, you better know that I will shake off the entire council with a financial investigation. Because of judges like you, we will never enter the EU. If it is not your council, I apologize. But if it is you, you will see”, is an SMS message sent by public prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska with this content to one of the members of the Criminal Council of the Court of Appeals, as the Court of Appeals announced today in relation to the decision on releasing former special prosecutor Katica Janeva to house arrest.
The Court of Appeals in Skopje today held an urgent collegium following the announcements made by Public Prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska that she would order a financial investigation against the judges who yesterday brought a decision with which they released former special prosecutor Katica Janeva to house arrest, who is accused in the “Racket” case.
The collegium, as is pointed out in the announcement of the Court of Appeals, assessed that Ruskoska’s doubts were ungrounded and interfere into the work of the court.
State spending can be publically viewed on the web platform “Open finances”
The spending of state money as of today can be publically viewed. Through the web platform “Open finances”, all payments of state institutions and recipients of funds can be viewed. Spending from 2010 until now are available, and in the future data will be published every 15 days.
The new web platform “Open finances” was presented today by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Minister of Finance, Nina Angelovska, and Minister without portfolio in charge of communications, accountability and transparency Robert Popovski.
Government adopts Strategy for Transparency 2019-2021
The Government adopted the Strategy for Transparency for the period 2019 – 2021 with an Action Plan, which is aimed at promoting the setting for transparency and trust in the work of the institutions ahead of the country’s EU and NATO integrations.
The Strategy, as the Government’s press service announced this afternoon, has been adopted upon the proposal of the Minister without portfolio in charge of communications, accountability and transparency.
On the occasion of World Children’s Day and the marking of 30 years since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, today an event will be held in the Army House in Skopje under the motto “We are all = in rights”, where children from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools from several cities in the country will take part.
The Basic Criminal Court in Skopje today sentenced former Chief of UBK, Goran Grujevski, to one and a half years in prison, who has fled to Greece, in the repeated procedure for the “Fortress 2” case.
The Basic Criminal Court in Skopje rejected the request for giving consent for issuing a passport with a limited validity for Jordan Kamcev and Cvetan Pandelevski, who are accused in the “Empire” case.
The UPOZ Trade Union today sent a letter to the Minister of Justice, in which they demand for her to commit and to help in overcoming the problems in the judiciary that are a reason for the discontent and strikes.
Ljube Boskoski, who today testified for the “Torture” case, made a comparison between his case and the latest disclosures on the abuses in the election campaign of the presidential elections this year. “The Auditor revealed that the campaign for Gordana Siljanovska and VMRO-DPMNE has not been covered in the amount of 400.000 euros. I expect, in a transparent judicial procedure to be proven that Janusev and others in VMRO0DPMBE, have conducted acts contrary to the Electoral Code” – stated Boskoski.
Under the motto “Violence brings violence”, the campaign for prevention of any kind of violence was launched today, with a special focus on peer violence and hate speech, organized by the Agency of youth and sports and the Ministry of Interior, which the City of Skopje also joined.
The Transgender Day of Remembrance, known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, is observed on November 20 each year, as a day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia. This day is observed with the purpose to draw attention to the continuous violence endured by transgender people.
VIDEO COLUMN A story about European integrations, the media and fake news
Nenad Jovanovik, activist and columnist, through a video column elaborates on two current topics, which complement each other – European integrations, through changing the name and resolving the decade-long bilateral dispute with Greece and media coverage, fake news and misinformation.
In today’s column Ordanoski writes: “The entire state apparatus has put itself in full service of Mr. Jordan Kamcev, for him to receive the legal satisfaction in this case. Even a legal case is being built out of that courtesy, for the government to prove to the international community that the rule of law, after which we are endlessly lamenting, has started functioning in our country!”.
Daddy’s mathematician, “diplomatic victories: and unanswered questions is today’s Burst of Deralla. “Mickoski is slowly growing into an example of how a campaign should not be run. People are not interested in characters with a crying tone, with expressive dark messages, with speeches full of anguish and distress, with a negative energy. It is a well-known story that crime, violence, tyranny, at the end fall on their own”, he writes.
“In the atmosphere that prevailed in the country after the signing of the Prespa Agreement, and within the framework of the agreement on the referendum conditions for changing the country’s name, on July 27 last year, Prime Minister Zaev on behalf of the leaders of the four political parties that participated in that, a kind of renewed Przino process, stated for the media that all the condition of Hristijan Mickoski regarding the election of the SEC are accepted. There was also an agreement about financing, with proposals of the opposition included. “Today we also accepted the requests of VMRO-DPMNE for making legislative changes that will enable a technical government to implement all parliamentary elections, with a format identical to the Przino one. The media were not mentioned in any of those conversations”, writes Ljubomir Kostovski in today’s column Great naivety is needed to exclude the media from a fair election process.
Mаја Ivanovska
in cooperation with: Diana Tahiri, Angela Petrovska, Saso Ordanoski, Xhabir Deralla, Ljubomir Kostovski
Translation: Natasa Cvetkovska