They’ve nothing else. All they’ve done is poisoning generations of young people with hate speech on the streets and in the media. Now they’ve commenced yet another offensive… Calling them “nationalists” is an overly mild qualification for them. It is difficult to describe the sordidness of this kind of political fight. Poison. Infection. Such descriptions are closer to what the Macedonian society is going through with these experiences. The infection has many layers and various applications. These are some quick notes on some visible, and some not so visible aspects of radical nationalism.

Just like during Gruevski’s ugly regime, the Macedonian society is facing yet another wave of black campaigning that uses dirty lies, unfounded and malicious constructions and manipulations. We all went through the horrors of this kind of campaigning since the fall of the regime: we heard fascist speeches, calling for “Long Knives”, and even an attack on the Parliament, where MP’s and party leaders were beaten with unseen brutality with the intention of killing them… Sadly, that was just another phase of the life of a criminal establishment in politics with a long and troubling list of abuses, thefts and crimes. Three years since a large portion of the crime of the usurpers and state captors has been revealed, a time when the architects of the kleptocratic and violent regime need to face legal consequences, or at least something resembling justice, they have again set forth against their own country under the excuse that they are defending that very country. Dirty, without facts and arguments, without talking, without a tiny bit of consciousness and conscience. With a primitive and grotesque iconography. With cheap and obvious tricks.
A shock bomb exploded between the legs of a lady “defender”, as she cried over the Facebook. She undoubtedly found herself in the way of the police units who, again, were “generously” using chemicals on the first day of the protests. But, in order to exaggerate this immolation story, the well-known agitprop machinery of the radicals presented additional “evidence” – old photos of the Croatian pop-singer Severina with wounds on her face, and of some other people with injuries in some other countries and in some other time… They couldn’t, and they didn’t even bother hiding the metal rods, stones, bottles and Molotov cocktail (which they didn’t know how to make, so it didn’t explode)… And that’s how the “barehanded people” went off to defend the name from the Greeks with hooligan songs about the “damned Shiptars” (pejorative, hateful calling of Albanians). Seemingly foolish, but a method verified countless times.
When police equipped with shields, helmets and other “toys” for riot control are deployed, chances for excessive use of force is very high. When Molotov cocktails are thrown at them, also those protesting peacefully get bruises. That is unacceptable, but is something that happens regularly. Indeed, that is one more reason to constantly raise our voices against militarization of police. Regardless of whether we agree with messages of some protest or not.
Luckily, there were no casualties, neither among the police, nor “between the legs”, which is contrary to the masterminds’ scenario according to which casualties were desired. Police brutality can and should be evidenced, recorded, photographed… It’s just that sincerity and commitment are needed for that. And a bit of knowledge and awareness. Instead, we get a hysterical selfie video of a lumpen journalist in which he calls for violence. We saw the “youngest” they could mobilize and… they embarrassed themselves. The “Youth for Macedonia” protesters that were mobilized are at an average of 65 years of age.
Let’s recall… We were either sitting on the ground or had our hands raised, we handed special police units flowers and water, activists from the front lines of the Colorful Revolution offered them plastic overcoats to protect them from the cannonades of paint, but the special police forces beat, trampled and arrested people anyway… And beat again. And we recorded all that; the whole world saw what was happening on the streets of Skopje and in over 20 other Macedonian cities. OK, almost everyone except MRTV, Sitel, Kanal 5, Kurir and many others that were under the regime’s control. And activists of the Colorful Revolution are still dragged in courts because they protested with paint in their hands, the non-violent “weapon” of the Colorful. They are accused for participating in the collective civic and artistic act against the regime and the “cultural heritage” of Gruevski.
Those who stole, beat, persecuted and killed are still free and are leading a campaign against freedom and progress. That is the real legacy they left us – a corrupt, orchestrated judiciary and destroyed institutions. And they are yapping on the streets that they have been victims of police brutality. With photos of Severina. And with obvious envy and frustration that their ridiculous attempts to copy the Colorful Revolution are not succeeding. That’s impossible, because the Colorful is diametrically opposed to the absurd and rampant hatred with which they are trying to achieve their dark goal.
Yes. Good news is that the newest campaign has been recognized and exposed from the very first day, and the support for it is falling. Macedonian citizens have been protesting for years precisely against those structures. They protested for freedom, democracy and justice. Therefore, those structures are doomed to failure. However, having in consideration who is behind these campaigns, the potential for destruction must not be disregarded. It is known that in the campaign against the Macedonian path to Europe, money and resources are invested from foreign and domestic structures working on both sides of the Macedonian-Greek border, with same or similar players (#Mickotakis).
That is why, those who are on the street and in the latest offensive are not totally responsible for their actions, because they are manipulated and guided by sophisticated centers for propaganda. Maybe on the streets and on the social networks they seem stupid, ugly and repulsive, but behind all of this are intelligent criminal minds. And lots of money. The game is much more complex. Even saving those who are charged with crimes during the anti-democratic regime is not the ultimate goal.
Both the criminals and the radicals are just tools in the hands of the structures of power who want to see Balkans sunk into crime and blood. The Balkans, unstable and fragmented by violence, under the rule of crazy and endlessly greedy tyrants, an oasis for organized crime and money laundering. The Balkans divided and devastated by ethnic hatred and conflicts. That’s the ultimate goal. And the protests and the Facebook war they are conducting are one of the tools. Obsessed with maniacal and painful hatred against non-existing enemies, the pawns of that special warfare are being lost irreversibly in the immoral rot of ethno-radicalism. Very few of them know that they are serving the invisible bosses who do not want anything good precisely for the country that they think they are defending from the “rotten” West. The Russian espionage-media-political operation is gaining intensity with every next step of Macedonia towards the West.
VMRO-DPMNE embarrassed itself. Once again. Regardless of whether they change leaders or not, they remain narrow-minded and destructive. They are playing for those who want to see Macedonia to its knees, isolated, poor and disunited, part of the devastated Balkans. Who are they?
A shady individual, the party leader of a shady pro-VMRO-DPMNE political party, otherwise a former member of security services, climbed on top of a police vehicle during the protests and waved the Russian flag. This scene is not a strong evidence at all, but is rather an illustration of the Russian offensive against the Macedonian progress, as evidence of that is mounting.
Hundreds of people on the streets and on the online media embarrass themselves and their families every day with obscenity and vulgarities. It’s not funny anymore, if ever. Deceived, they are doing a dirty job for the millions-worth businesses hidden behind the propaganda that is anti-Macedonian in its essence. They are participating in a game that has nothing to do with patriotism. Because love towards one’s own country does not mean hatred towards fellow citizens and towards neighbors. It is bizarre to “defend the language” from the Greeks with illiterate, vulgar and bloodthirsty calls for exterminating the Albanians. You do not defend the identity with primitivism.
And there continues to be no communication, no discussion… No. Onlookers of all colors are in frenetic pursuit of 10 seconds glory on the online swamps. Some frustrated, some strange, some paid, some eccentric and costless. University professors, politicians, quasi-intellectuals and fake journalists, lost souls, hysterical and mediocre… everyone with their own appetites and dirty laundry.
Looking for enemies where there aren’t any, they became their own enemies. And…They embarrassed themselves.
In the photo on top of the article: Screenshot of a Facebook status reading: “One must not attend the protests, that is predictable. A smart action is needed – visit homes of SDS [Social-Democrats] and set them on fire and kill them – that is unpredictable and is not part of the scenario. Think how many times this has happened. Only going to their homes and slaughtering them altogether with the kids.” The original is grammatically quite poor and without interpunction. Some editing has been made during translation into English.