„I think for USA they don’t have to forget the US constitutions and for France or for Europe this is the same. We don’t have to forget why we built Europe after the Second World War, all the network of resistance against the Nazism who are also at the beginning of the story of the European unification but this is philosophical. Now you know why populism, why authorism are successful? This is because they are lying with concrete things who can do some echo on the real life of the citizens. For example for Trump he say make America great again you will have more money more job okay that’s he’s a liar but he was elected like Hitler or like Musolini you know they speak a lot they are liar but people vote for them because they answer to concrete things“, said Olivier Vedrine at the International Online Conference „Ukraine and the World: Resisting Aggression, Defeating Authoritarianism“.
“And if we want to destroy the populism we have also not only to be very philosophical we have also to be very concrete and pragmatic. We have to build something to make people vote for us or to be agree with us and that’s mean we have to show the society we want to do we want to built and how we can make people more happy in their own life without lying to them and that’s very difficult because the populism they are lying and we know that all dictatorship, all populism in the history at the end are catastrophic.
The problem is that populism and authoritarianism are more easy to sell than democracy that’s mean we will fight we will win but the the question we will win after what after a new war after new Revolution after riots because one day people will wake up in USA and in Russia and in all country where you have authoritarianism and we have we need to be ready to propose those to people when they will wake up a real new democratic system with our values and for values we have to come back to the US constitutions in USA and to the father founder of the European Union in Europe#, said Vedrine.
B. J.