Citizens must understand the negative consequences of group gatherings. One aspect of this fight is the health system, another inspection authorities, but the third is people’s conscience and awareness, Health Minister Venko Filipche said on Tuesday.
He told reporters at an event at a Skopje-based polyclinic that authorities can’t limit family gatherings, as this goes against the Constitution, therefore citizens’ awareness is key.
“We’ve issued bans in areas where the law allows it and recommendations where it doesn’t. We tried to ban family gatherings, but it turned out the decision was unconstitutional, Therefore, a big part of this fight comes down to people’s conscience and awareness,” Filipche said after the handover ceremony of two ambulances donated by Komercijalna Banka.
New measures, aiming to limit working hours of hospitality facilities by 6 pm, according to Filipche, are sufficient for the time being. Restrictions in force, he added, are showing results, as evidenced by the stable number of new cass and the lower transmission factor.
“This means that measures are showing results, but due to the upcoming holiday season and possibility of group gatherings in hospitality facilities, the epidemiological situation can deteriorate. Although measures are showing results, the situation is still critical. These additional restrictions will be sufficient for the time being,” the Minister told reporters.
Regarding the epidemiological situation, FIlipche said that the number of new cases has stabilized and that there are enough hospital beds available.