CIVIL invites all of its members, supporters and participants of seminars on citizen journalism, observers of previous elections, as well as all interested citizens to apply for short-term election observers. (LINK TO APPLICATION)
The deadline for applying for short-term election observers within CIVIL is February 20, 12.00 noon.
Officials and activists of political parties do not have the right to participate in this call. It is also not allowed for one to be an observer of two organizations at the same time.
In the process of selection of observers, as always, CIVIL’s members and supporters, former observers, as well as those who have participated in seminars on citizen journalism, have an advantage.
The two most successful observers from the monitoring teams in these elections will be offered engagement in the area of monitoring and promotion of the “Europe is our home” project until the end of January 2021. CIVIL’s observers, as well as all interested citizens, always have the opportunity to become part of CIVIL’s projects, especially the “Civic Lenses” project.
It is important that all candidates know that CIVIL’s monitoring implies mobility, dedication and impartiality. The short-term observers are active during election silence, on election day and a day afterwards.
CIVIL Communication Team