“I would like to take the discussion to a somewhat more abstract level and this introduction that NATO membership is actually EU membership and that NATO does not only mean, especially for Macedonia, some kind of security arrangement, because the region is quite pacifist. We are surrounded by NATO members, Kosovo is in the ownership of NATO, therefore for Macedonia the security issue is perhaps lower on the scale compared to other issues”, said Ordanoski at the panel discussion that was organized by CIVIL – Center for Freedom.
Through a parallel of the relations between Germany and France, Sasho Ordanoski, in fact, stressed the need for resolving the relations between Macedonia and Greece, as one of the conditions for membership in NATO and EU.
Ordanoski came out with a proposal for the Macedonian government to try with Greece to open an office in Thessaloniki for youth cooperation.
“Such an office between France and Germany achieved fantastic results”, says Ordanoski.
“Hundreds of young people have gone through that office in order to overcome a much more difficult history than the one we have now with Greece”, he adds.
“Not a single major decision has been made based on surveys. Forget the surveys. Ultimately, the political class takes the risk, just as Adenauer and De Gaulle did, though it is undisputable that they have a visionary energy in themselves and a result that is seen in the medium and long-term”, concluded Ordanoski.
М. Ivanovska