If they had stolen 10% less, every hospital in Macedonia would have looked like Remedika, every school would have been like the American high school in Skopje, the roads and streets would have been safe and smooth, at least like the Greek ones…We would have had bicycle trails, functional ambulance vehicles, lights, windmills, solar panels, health facilities in every village and town…And everything would have looked decent, clean, attracting, and even rich…A true fairy tale! A possible one!

Only with 10%, hey! It is a rough calculation, but I asked people who understand economy and development to do it. And immediately, the question: Couldn’t’ the system have introduced at least a 10% better protection and respect of the law?
The alarming projections keep lining up, even though they’re not made with great expertise, but rather with pure human revolt and with sorrow. See for yourself whether a highly scientific expertise is needed in order to draw these conclusions.
With 10% less (thefts), we would have had at least 10% more young people. At least 50.000 pairs of shoes would have have been walking on the Macedonian ground, and not abroad. The same number of breakfasts every day would have made the country livelier, cheerier, younger …
If there were 10% less religious and party fanatics and militants, there would have been much more love, much more moral…If reverends of all faiths had dedicated 10% less time on politics, and if they hadn’t been blessing the thefts and hatred, there would have been more God’s presence in the lives of those people who believe in (any kind of) God.
With 10% less Skopje 2014, we would have had 100 million euros more, for more decent salaries, scholarships and treatment of severe diseases among children. The same ten also goes for the elderly generations, so they would have had more dignified conditions for parting with the world – all the geriatric centers would have looked like Sue Ryder, where you wait in order although you have money…Yes, that is the generation that has been paying for health care, social security and for pension all their life, not to mention the once popular self-contribution for roads, hospitals, schools, development…
This is not a cry, nor an appeal for 10% conscience and goodness, it is not a call for 10% justice, because conscience, goodness and justice cannot be expressed in percentages – you either have them or you don’t have them. Or, maybe, they can? Let’s try…With just 10% more accepted demands from our heroic SPO, we would have had more severe criminals in custody, and maybe Zaev’s display would have shown a higher amount of returned money to the citizens…
With 10% less hatred and amnesty propaganda, 10% less playing for Moscow, and that much more for Macedonia, we will have much more chances for a successful referendum, far above the necessary consensus. With 10% better work of the institutions connected with the election processes,
we would have had just as much a better Voter’s Register, and thus better election processes, more democracy, transparency, good governance.
If I continue with this listing by just 10%, I will just as much ruin the start of the new school, when our students don’t have textbooks, and it’s not certain whether they will have proper heating and hygiene products in the autumn and winter months that are on the threshold.
Only 10%, hey!